Whale Watching

Melissa Wandrei
Snapshots in Time
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2020


Take these. Warm, thick gloves are pushed over the counter. And this, you’ll need this. Under your coat. A heavy knit sweater, too big for me.

The room is tiny and cramped but it’s a warm refuge from the whipping wind of the coast outside. I stand in front of a cash register, watching dust floating in the sunlight. The shop owner, a stranger, has taken it upon himself to give me everything I didn’t know I needed before I get on a boat headed out in search of whales.

Do you get seasick?

I don’t know.


A pressure-point bracelet and granola bar. I turn the package over and inspect. Blueberry and ginger and whey.

How much for all this? I’m so warm I’m sweating.

He shakes his head, pushes a hat toward me.

Hurry, it’s boarding. Get yourself up to the top deck.

The air outside is briny and bone-deep cold. Seagulls peck at food on the dock, fly off in an explosion of white feathers when a kick is leveled at them.

The wooden pier creaks and I board the boat, a little unsteadily, as dark water splashes up the sides. Someone points to a ladder and I climb to the top deck. Bracing wind coming off the sea lashes at my cheeks and makes my eyes water. A few other people are there, huddled together…



Melissa Wandrei
Snapshots in Time

Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lived In, an independent publication for writers and filmmakers. https://lived-in.org/