Keyboard Shortcuts for Clipping and Watching TV

Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

January 19 2017 by Eric Cohn

SnapStream makes it easy to quickly grab a segment from live or recorded TV. While you can easily click on the captions or on the SnapStream progress bar to jump to a point in the recording, we wanted to provide our power-users with an even quicker method to effortlessly review a recording and create clips.

With SnapStream’s Keyboard Shortcuts you can use your keyboard to move rapidly through your recordings, create clips, adjust your start and end-points and much more.

We’ve created a helpful cheat sheet to outline the most powerful shortcuts in the software.

Click to download a high-quality PDF of the Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Try creating a clip using the clipping hot-keys, it’s easy! Simply type Z to set your clip start point, X to set your clip end-point, and C to create the clip. They are directly in a row on your keyboard for simplicity.

Next, try skipping around inside of a recording using the comma (,) and period (.) buttons on your keyboard. By default the comma key will skip back seven seconds in your recording. The period key will skip forward 30 seconds. You can set different skip back and skip forward defaults in your account settings.

There are lots of ways to save time and effort using SnapStream’s keyboard shortcuts. Explore the Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet to find even more great shortcuts to use in SnapStream.




How the Daily Show, Colbert, John Oliver (+100s of others) record, search + clip TV. Social TV tool for live-tweeting. Tweets from @RakeshAgrawal + team.