Remote Working: Our Business Continuity Plan For The Covid-19 Emergency.

S'NCE Group
S’NCE Group
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020


In designing our response to the health crisis, we have relied on continuity plans based on ISO/IEC 27001 certification and the smart organisational model to ensure flexibility, efficiency and safety, with measures to protect S’NCE’s people and our customers across Europe.

People have always been at the heart of S’NCE’s strategy. Although simple, this phrase carries with it a great responsibility and specific required actions to protect the well-being of everyone.

Now that the Covid-19 health emergency has become increasingly acute and urgent, the only responsible action that can be taken that will not endanger the health of our employees has been to ensure that they can work from home. Yes, we are talking about remote working.

It is not just a concept and it is not a cliché. It doesn’t simply mean “working remotely”. It means enabling an entire company, made up of dozens of people, to continue its activities away from the office. There are two fundamental prerequisites to achieve all this: business and technology.

The first of the two is not in doubt: in S’NCE we have a digital soul and this guarantees the possibility to manage our work anywhere in the world. But the technological preparation is what we have been working on in recent years to turn a potential into reality.

We have asked ourselves many different questions:
1. What would happen if, without warning, all the company’s staff were forced to stay at home?
2. Could the collaboration tools currently in use meet the new requirements?
3. Have people received adequate training on how to access the systems they need to do their work?

Anticipating what might happen was an important first step and Covid-19 put us all to the test.

We have put into practice our BCPBusiness Continuity Plan, which is the set of activities aimed at minimising the destructive, or at least harmful, effects of an event that may affect the organisation or part of it, ensuring the continuity of activities in general.

The BCP which S’NCE now has in place is part of our ISO/IEC 27001 certified Information Security Management System, and provides for the continuity of both organisational and communicative aspects, and the IT and telecommunications infrastructure (ICT).

People continue to talk and meet through video conference tools. Project managers don’t lose any piece of their projects thanks to business collaboration tools that easily work remotely. Creatives and UX designers keep giving shape to their ideas through shared virtual workspaces. Our web and software developers continue to work in virtual environments that ensure process security and data integrity.

This virus has affected us deeply, as human beings, but as a company it has not caught us unprepared. It has separated us physically, but it has made us even closer than before.
Soon we will return to our office, with even more ideas and the drive to come together as a team.

The S’NCE team



S'NCE Group
S’NCE Group

Meaningful difference. Digital Experience Design Agency.