5 things to read and see

This week, read about The Guardian’s redesign and what it’s like to design for a museum, and see a spread on librarians at Ohio University.

Stephanie Hays
4 min readJan 26, 2018


5 things to read

1. Designing for Art

Hilary Greenbaum is the director of graphic design for the Whitney Museum of American Art. In this interview, she explains how she decided on design as a career, what her job is like and how she got there.

2. The Guardian goes tabloid

Last week, The Guardian unveiled its redesign. Executive creative director Alex Breuer and deputy creative director Chris Clarke discuss the process of designing to a tabloid size, where they got inspiration from and the editorial shifts that occurred.

3. Lessons from Creative Pros: Building The Foundation of A Creative Life

Nurturing creativity in children is such an important part of the future of design. This blog post explains some of the takeaways from the Adobe MAX conference about how to keep creativity alive — including not relying too much on schools.

4. 41 ‘Dreamers’ on their homes, birthplaces and DACA

This is a beautifully designed website on DACA recipients in Illinois. This piece brings together vulnerable portraits, sharp typography, video and audio into a cohesive piece that highlights their stories.

5. Apply To Be A 2018 Adobe Creative Resident

Adobe has just released their applications to be a creative resident. It’s a year-long program that gives its residents a year to do any creative project and blog about it. If interested, this link has helpful tips and will continue to be updated with more information.

5 things to see

  1. The rescue team | The Post, Ohio University

I love the color palette of this design and the way that the headline and text are integrated into it. The big lead also immediately draws the eye and gives some nice hierarchy to the article. I just wish the headline didn’t cut halfway into a bookshelf and instead lined up cleanly with the shelves.

2. Self-image in the age of Instagram | Indiana Daily Student, Indiana University

My favorite part about the page is the polaroids on top of the section header. Having the quiz and history are great additions the the article, but the bottom of the page gets a little cluttered — it would have been nice for it to be cleaner and sharper.

3. President Simon, resign | The State News

The intense typography and ample whitespace were a smart choice for a topic as weighty as this one. Using images of the victims in the letters is simple but powerful.

4. Make Manoa yours | Ka Leo, University of Hawaii at Manoa

This cover may look fairly simple, but the added colored swirls is seamless and really adds to the mood and vibe of the photo. The headline with the connected letters also adds to the idea of becoming connected at the school.

5. Tracking Trump’s Penn mentions | The Daily Pennsylvanian, University of Pennsylvania

For an article with a topic that’s difficult to visualize, I think this cover does a nice job with the photo illustration showing different points in Trump’s speeches. However, what would have improved the page would be actual quotes of what he said that referenced the University of Pennsylvania in the speech bubbles.

If you think you have a well-designed page or a good read to share for the next roundup, email me at shays2@elon.edu

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Stephanie Hays

Lead Designer for @Sacbiz | Previously @elonnewsnetwork, @virginianpilot | @elonuniversity '18 | Always looking for #dailydesigninspo