5 things to read and see

Stephanie Hays
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2017

This week read about an infographic designed for aliens, how Western Michigan is a hotspot for graphic design and see an incredible multimedia article about sustainable development in rural India.

1. 45 Years ago, NASA launched an infographic for aliens into space

What looks like a simple drawing etched into golden plaques is actually a distillation of the history of life on earth, humanity and a spacecraft’s journey. These plaques were placed on the Pioneer 10, the first spacecraft to leave the solar system, and were meant to communicate with potential aliens what humans are.

2. Designing medical clothing that’s stylish? It’s more important than you think

This article looks into Fiona McGreal’s fashion designs meant for hospitals and long term medical care. The clothes are meant to help the patient feel independent and comfortable while still being practical for doctors and nurses. It’s a great example of human-centered design that can be practically implemented.

3. How Western Michigan quietly became a graphic design hotspot

The type of design in Western Michigan is called “appropriate design,” so rather than all of the work having a recognizable identity, each design is tailored to the task at hand, resulting in a unique and diverse collection of different types of design coming from the region.

4. 12 typography accounts to follow in Instagram

Why does the link say 10? Who knows. The article actually lists 12 inspiring Instagram accounts for the next time you want to practice calligraphy, handwritten fonts, vintage type and more.

5. 10 great uses of typography in portfolios

Choosing the right font for an online portfolio can be difficult, but this article compiles some of the best typography examples from portfolios of graphic, digital and product designers.

Page Designs

  1. Give a Man a Fish | Daily Bruin, University of California Los Angeles

This news app is really incredible. It brings together writing, photography, video, sound, infographics and really clean web design. It even has story navigation on the top right of the page so you can jump from section to section without feeling the need to scroll through the entire thing.

2. Finals Guide | The University Daily Kansan, University of Kansas

Playing off of a Scantron is a really clever idea for a finals guide, and the simple circles and muted color palette keep the page from being overwhelming. It would have been nice to have the words “Finals Guide” stand out a bit more, but overall, it’s a smart and well-designed cover.

3. Graduation goodbyes | The Daily Pennsylvanian, University of Pennsylvania

I really like the use of color and shapes on the page. It’s a dynamic layout that keeps the eye jumping from picture to picture and using the university’s colors is appropriate for graduation. I just wish the pictures were a little bigger, and there were a few less triangles because it is a little overwhelming.

4. Stepping out of the spotlight | The Daily Californian, University of California Berkeley

This illustration was used online with a letter from the editor. I think the illustration is clean, without being boring, and the hand drawn quality really adds the enthusiasm and excitement of graduation.

5. Sweet treats | The Daily Orange, Syracuse University

This page is a great way to show off the local ice cream shops, and having diverse pictures of the food and the location keeps it from feeling repetitive. The italic text overtop the dominant photo is a nice touch.

If you think you have a well-designed page or a good read to share for the next roundup, email me at shays2@elon.edu

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Stephanie Hays

Lead Designer for @Sacbiz | Previously @elonnewsnetwork, @virginianpilot | @elonuniversity '18 | Always looking for #dailydesigninspo