5 things to read and see

This week, read about the similarities among big brands’ logos, learn how design is leading the charge in the retail revolution and see an awesome spread about punk rock bands.

Stephanie Hays
4 min readApr 17, 2018


5 things to read

1. Why Do Google, Airbnb, And Pinterest All Have Such Similar Logos?

Multiple branding experts weigh in on why so many companies have converged on similar logo designs. Simplicity and reliability are two big reasons.

2. 6 innovative ways to photograph your portfolio

From using a vibrant backdrop to art directing a scene, these tips will help your portfolio stand out from the rest just a little bit more.

3. Add interactivity to an InDesign document

Knowing how to add interactivity is incredibly helpful, especially when it’s something as simple and linking social media handles and company names in your resume. This article explains how.

4. 20 illustrators to follow on Instagram

Illustrators often have really unique ways of representing a variety of complex topics, so seeing their work can help inspire you to create your own.

5. Designers Lead the Charge in the Retail Revolution

“Today, shoppers are paralyzed by choice in almost every purchase category. Strong branding and premium paper can cut through the noise and help sell products. The product itself must be able to deliver on its promises, but the packaging and collateral alone can do a lot of the heavy lifting.” — Liz Burnett, principal at Matchbox Studio in Dallas

5 things to see

  1. The Game of IU | Indiana Daily Student, Indiana University

For seniors gearing up for graduation, this is a fun way to relive their time at IU. The illustrations are cute, the instructions and tiles easy to read and it’s overall an enjoyable page.

2. Stick Talk | The Daily Orange, Syracuse University

I think the orange shadows are a great way to amp up your average cutout. It’s not too distracting, but makes the page pop just a little bit more.

3. Let’s talk hair | The Daily Emerald, University of Oregon

The photography on this page is wonderful. The colors, with the intense shadows and the great emotion in the girl’s face makes for a really striking cover.

4. The atomic age of anima / Making politics pop: Social commentary in pop art | Washington Square News, New York University

I think this spread does a really nice job tying together two very different kinds of entertainment with fun colors, typography and shapes.

5. Pleasant city punks | Central Michigan Life, Central Michigan University

This page is pretty crazy looking, but I think it ties in well with the content. It looks very punk rock with the ripped paper and brick background which makes for a really fun spread.

If you think you have a well-designed page or a good read to share for the next roundup, email me at shays2@elon.edu

Students, did you know you can join the Society for News Design for as little as $5 a month?



Stephanie Hays

Lead Designer for @Sacbiz | Previously @elonnewsnetwork, @virginianpilot | @elonuniversity '18 | Always looking for #dailydesigninspo