5 things to read and see

This week, read about why doodling is good for the brain and just how cool data visualization can be, and see an amazing illustration on black girl magic.

Stephanie Hays
4 min readAug 7, 2017


1. Artist humorously imagines if classic artworks invaded 21st century pop culture

These are so unique, fun to look at and are an excellent way of blending together today’s culture with classic works of art.

2. 8 inspiring digital art portfolios and why they work

Online portfolios can be really hard. Get some great advice about what works well and see some beautiful examples that are sure to inspire you.

3. Pentagram visualizes the devil

Data visualization was already really cool, but it just got a whole lot cooler. This book sets out to show what data can do and explain, and it dedicates a whole section to an analysis of the devil as described in Dante’s Inferno.

4. On the challenges of being self-employed and working from home

As someone who works from her apartment while at school doing freelance work, I completely understand what it’s like to have ten deadlines come crashing down at once and feeling completely overwhelmed. Someone else gets it too.

5. Science: Doodling has real benefits for the brain

As an avid doodler, I’m thrilled to know that my mind is benefiting when I draw. For the rest of you doodlers out there, here’s why you should keep on drawing.

Page Designs

  1. Aid outrage | The Daily Pennsylvanian, University of Pennsylvania

This simple illustration really works. It’s not too complicated, ties in well with the article and is immediately eye-catching.

2. Black girl magic | The Daily Californian, University of California Berkeley

Having an illustration that spans the entire page is a great way to really create a theme between two columns on the same topic. It’s immediately clear what both are about, and the illustration is beautifully detailed and exciting to look at.

3. Back-to-school edition | OU Daily, University of Oklahoma

OU Daily has just started using a broadsheet, and I think this is a great way to kick it off. I love how the photo seamlessly blends into the text, and how the words “back-to-school” edition are in the shape of a building.

4. Student life through the years | Indiana Daily Student, Indiana University

I really like the idea of the page using historical photos to capture what life is like as a Hoosier. Both pages give a sense of student and campus life.

5. We’re hiring | The State News, Michigan State University

This ad to work for The State News is really unique and eye-catching. I love the smaller text overlaid with the huge date. The only problem is that it’s a little hard to read.

If you think you have a well-designed page or a good read to share for the next roundup, email me at shays2@elon.edu

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Stephanie Hays

Lead Designer for @Sacbiz | Previously @elonnewsnetwork, @virginianpilot | @elonuniversity '18 | Always looking for #dailydesigninspo