5 things to read and see

Stephanie Hays
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2017

This week read about 100 years of National Geographic infographics and how to be more creative, and see some graduation-themed page designs.

1. The quest to build a Google Maps for old New York

The New York Public Library has just created a new project called “Maps By Decade.” It puts old maps of New York City in a current context, allowing users to see exactly what has changed in Central Park, Coney Island or Queens over the past 150 years. And the best part about it? It’s searchable, so you can pick and choose what part of New York’s history you want to see.

2. Women heading up design businesses tell their career progression stories

These women talk about how they “made it” in the design industry. It’s inspiring to hear how they became experts in their field, as well as their advice about how to be a successful designer.

3. 100 years of infographics from National Geographic

Last week there was 40 years of magazine covers, and this week it’s 100 years of infographics. National Geographic has always had incredibly-designed infographics, putting the focus on making the graphics accurate and understandable.

“Information graphics allow us to peer into places that can’t otherwise be seen and satisfy our curiosity about the inner workings of opaque objects, subjects, and stories.”

- Meg Miller

4. 22 movies and shows every designer should watch on Netflix

Since Netflix’s queue is constantly changing and updating, this is an up-to-date list of the best design-related TV shows and movies to stream. Some of the picks are documentaries on Iris Apfel, hit indie video games and Banksy.

5. How to be more creative: lessons from Refinery29’s Piera Gelardi

This article isn’t just on teaching yourself to be more creative, but also how to foster a creative atmosphere in the workplace, and inspire creativity in others. Gelardi emphasizes the importance of collaboration, listening and laughter in the workplace, and making sure that people find outlets for creativity outside of work too.

Page Designs

  1. Through our lens | The Maneater, University of Missouri

The cover is simple and clean, but making the photos into the shape of a lens makes it pop. I also think the font choice and background are perfect — the font looks official but isn’t distracting, and the background is simple and draws your eye to the main image.

2. Graduation Guide | The Collegian, Kansas State University

It’s a simple photo that leads the page well. It’s exactly what you think of when you picture a graduate. I just wish the cap wasn’t covered with text.

3. The Bucket List Issue | Washington Square News, New York University

I love how this cover integrates handwritten text and Snapchat-style artistry with real photos of New York. It keeps the cover student-centered and fun.

4. Semester in Review | Indiana Daily Student, Indiana University

I really like the idea of using a wheel to show the semester in review in photos. It’s unique and eye-catching, but I wish the photos were a little bigger and the text was a little smaller.

5. Legends’ playground | The Quinnipiac Chronicle, Quinnipiac University

The handwritten font for the headline really captures the cool aesthetic of Toad’s while overlapping a photo of the inside of the bar. The diagonal text isn’t too much, and the article is still easy to read. I just wish the photo they used had some people in it.

If you think you have a well-designed page or a good read to share for the next roundup, email me at shays2@elon.edu

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Stephanie Hays

Lead Designer for @Sacbiz | Previously @elonnewsnetwork, @virginianpilot | @elonuniversity '18 | Always looking for #dailydesigninspo