Internship: Last day of school & some page design

Maureen Langley
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018

I started out the week getting a bucket of water dumped on me by a sixth grader. Ok, well, I did more than that on Monday.

My assignment was to report on the last day of school before they let out for the summer. I went to three different elementary schools, including the one I attended as a child.

I saw a fire truck shooting hose-water up into the air and little kids dumping water on each other’s heads. Except, one of those heads were mine. I think it was an accident but honestly we’ll never know.

I learned it’s hard to interview small kids sometimes because they’re either really shy, give you one-word answers or don’t know their last names.

Overall, it was a blast and I loved getting to spend the whole day outside.

The week felt pretty short (and it was) due to Memorial Day. Since some people were on vacation, I was able to design a couple of pages.

I started by designing the calendar page, which runs weekly in Thursday’s paper.

I think it’s always tough getting used to a new way of doing things, but it was more tough because I had to finish up several stories I had in the works at the same time.

My desk isn’t set up to do any page design, so I had to go back and forth between two and I was worried all day I was going to miss important phone calls.

It was an easy page to start out with because the right column is a template, so that was just filling in content and photos. The page pretty much looks the same every week, just with a rotating color scheme.

I’m scheduled to layout more pages soon . . . I think some food pages. I can’t wait for that. In the meantime — back to reporting!



Maureen Langley

Designer / Student / Bad Art Maker / You name it