Meet our new writers

Aviva Loeb
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2017

I’m pleased to introduce two new writers who have joined our team at SNDCampus. Be on the lookout for their bylines.

Connor Brustofski

Connor is a senior environmental studies major at the University of Vermont. He spent time designing for the Vermont Cynic, but found his home as Managing Designer of Headwaters Magazine, UVM’s student-run environmental publication. A founding member of Headwaters,

Connor has guided the organization for 3 years and self-produced 3 semesterly magazines of thoughtful environmental content. He also works at the Fleming Museum of Art as a photographer and videographer. When he’s not face-first in InDesign, Connor is most likely listening to records, looking at architectural drawings, or taking pictures on cameras far older than he is.

Marci Suela

Marci Suela is a junior design studies major at San Jose State University. She recently transferred from Contra Costa College in San Pablo, Calif., where she served as the art director for the two-year college’s student newspaper, The Advocate. Her work at The Advocate has been recognized by California Newspaper Publishers Association. She also assisted the student publication in earning the Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker for general excellence.

This spring, she will be an illustrator at Spartan Daily, SJSU’s student newspaper. In her free time, she enjoys sketching with charcoal, watching Korean dramas and working on Sudoku puzzles.

Interested in writing for SNDCampus? Email



Aviva Loeb

Designer for the Washington Post and Membership Director for SND.