Welcome to SNDCampus

Nicole Zhu
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2017

What drew me to the Society for News Design was the diversity of its members and their backgrounds, as well as its position at the intersection of journalism, design, technology, and other industries. I graduated from Northwestern University last year with a degree in computer science, and though I’d been interested in storytelling and technology since I started college, it wasn’t until I joined communities like the Knight Lab and attended events like SNDMakes that I realized the exciting opportunities that lie at so many cross-sections of the industry.

As a student, SND and SNDMakes provided me with learning experiences where I felt my contributions were valued, where I was able to to meet and work alongside great people in the industry, and where I was exposed to the different topics and questions that face news organizations and media companies in terms of design, technology, and community.

I’m excited to be launching SNDCampus with SND.org editor Greicy Mella, membership director Aviva Loeb, and our student bloggers, Chloe Meister, Clare Ramirez and Stephanie Hays. SNDCampus is for students of all skill levels and from all backgrounds, and aims to be a space for our collegiate members to both learn and contribute in the ever-changing field of news design.

I hope that SNDCampus will provide our student members with useful career tips and takeaways, valuable and eye-opening experiences about opportunities in the industry, and above all, a supportive and helpful community.

We want to hear from you! Want to write for the blog, pitch a story, or just ask a question? Feel free to reach out to me at nzhu94@gmail.com.

