Review: Lommbock

Till Helge Helwig
Sneak Review
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2017

When I used to go see the Sneak Preview regularly during my studies, German movies were a very common occurrence. The fact that we went to a small, independent cinema might have had something to do with it. Anyway, since we started to go to the Sneak Preview here in Berlin, this happened only very rarely. Today was one of these days. We got to see Lommbock [IMDb, Trailer (German)]. As far I could see, the movie is not scheduled to be released in any other countries, but here.

Movie Poster “Lommbock”

This movie is the sequel to a movie from 2001 called Lammbock [IMDb] and features the same main characters: Stefan (Lucas Gregorowicz) and Kai (Moritz Bleibtreu). Both sort of moved on from their original “business” of growing and selling cannabis. Kai still lives in Würzburg, but Stefan has been travelling the world and currently works on opening a Jamaican beach bar in Dubai. He is about to marry his girlfriend and needs to take care of some paperwork back home. There he quickly falls back into the old rhythm with Kai and starting with smoking a few joints together a silly story evolves that does not really need a summary.

This sequel sticks very closely to the style of its predecessor. The humor is quite blunt, but in general delivered well. Smoking weed lends itself easily as basis for a lot of ridiculous scenes and dialogues. But they go further with sex-related nonsense, a scene involving a rubber penis, a man running through a wheat field in an open-back hospital gown and so on. Luckily, Christian Zübert never let the story pass over into pure obscenity or bad taste. I have seen my fair share of German comedies and can definitely get some entertainment out of them. This one has a similar down-to-earth style that most of them share and is yet another good examples that you can also make movies on a smaller budget.

While I was very surprised how quick the time passed watching this movie and I definitely laughed several times, I cannot wholeheartedly recommend this movie. It is okay-ish, but not comparable to the other movies I wrote about and can definitely recommend. There are certainly better movies to watch at the cinema these days, but if you happen to see it on television at some point, maybe give it a chance to cheer you up.



Till Helge Helwig
Sneak Review

Software Engineer, Sneak Preview Disciple, Gamer, Amateur Chef, Audiobook Junkie