Day Drinking in San Antonio

A Glass of Wine Over the City

April Bair


Does a glass of Pinot Noir during late lunch count as day drinking?

On my recent trip to San Antonio, Texas it was hot and my spirit of adventure veered away from the tourist brochures but I kept seeing Tower of Americas looking down at me so I went to check it out.

Honestly, the grounds felt like an upscale theme park and the inside was definitely a tourist trap but away from the 4-D theatre (which is probably lovely) is the elevator to Chart House Restaurant where my $15 glass of Meiomi Pino Noir paired perfectly with the spectacular view.

Value is subjective and on the same day I opted for a $3 City bus pass instead of the hop-on-hop-off sightseeing bus $15 for a glass of afternoon wine was totally worth it. And, the chopped salad with shrimp may not have been a sommelier’s choice but it was delightful. I’ve certainly spent $40 on less

I sat in the bar area and enjoyed looking down at the restaurant roasting below me. The restaurant menu is available in the bar and I enjoyed the lively music playing overhead.

(Note: the wine cost more than the salad which was $10.50 and the bar and restaurant are air conditioned so my lunch could have cost less than the day before when I went to a local grocery store.)

Tower of America’s, Charter House, San Antonio, Texas, USA June 2019.

You can see more about my visit to San Antonio a d follow my travel adventures on Facebook Bairs Abroad and Instagram @BairBooks.

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April Bair
Editor for

As an opinionated behaviorist writing her way through life April is consistently distracted by the odd and off beat moments we usually try to ignore.