Adjusting the Snip Token Sale to the WINGS Forecast

Rani Horev
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2017

In the past months we’ve been collaborating with WINGS and receiving their advice on various aspects of the token sale. This collaboration culminated recently with the Snip token sale forecasting, in which the WINGS community analyzed the Snip product and token sale and assessed the valuation of the tokens after the sale. The results, attached here and detailed on the WINGS website, show strong confidence that Snip will reach the sale hard cap, and on average, the WINGS community values 100% of the tokens at above $28M.

We’re humbled by the great response from the WINGS community and have decided to accept the analysis. Therefore, we’re slightly adjusting the number of tokens sold in the September token sale. Instead of 30% of all tokens sold for $8M, we will instead sell 28% of the tokens for $8M. The extra 2% will be divided equally between the Snip company and the community contributors, as appreciation for their effort. Both allocations will allow for the continued development of the Snip platform.

We thank the WINGS community for helping us adjust our allocations and wish them success in future token sales. See you on the 29th! Don’t forget to register for the sale before it starts.



Rani Horev
Editor for

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