Announcing Snip’s Advisory Board

Rani Horev
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2017

Greetings, Snip community and blockchain enthusiasts!

Today, we would like tell you a little bit more about 2 brilliant minds and members of Snip’s advisory board: Richard Titus and Lou Kerner.

Richard Titus (left) & Lou Kerner (right)

Richard is a serial entrepreneur and innovator, with over 20 years of experience in the media industry, leading business divisions in Samsung Electronics, DMGT (part of the Daily Mail group), and the BBC. In addition to his media expertise, Richard has deep knowledge of the blockchain industry and cryptocurrencies. This rare combination between media and crypto expertise is already proving to be valuable and will surely help us in the future.

Lou is a long-time investor and thought leader, now focused on the crypto space. Industry leaders gobble up his ideas on cryptocurrency trends and company/protocol valuations, and his guidance is of great value to the Snip team.

We are excited to continue building the future of news on the blockchain with these great minds.

Join our Telegram to stay tuned and reserve your place in the upcoming crowdsale (Sep 29!)



Rani Horev
Editor for

Learn something new every day. Currently Deep Learning :)