Safety and Security on the Snip Crowd Sale — Beware of fraud

Rani Horev
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2017

We are less than 16 hours away from the Snip token sale and we’re glad to be witnessing so much excitement and enthusiasm from the community. Together with the excitement, the security and safety of token buyers is critical to us.

To help protect your safety and security, we put together the following guidelines on how to participate.

By Pasko Maksim /
  1. The Sale Ether address will be published at the beginning of the sale on our website in addition to Telegram, Twitter, Slack and email. We can tell you in advance that the sale address starts with 0x44F5 and ends with 9262F1. When you’re sending Ether, make sure that it’s to an address with these characteristics.
  2. Do not rely on one single source for the eth address! We will not make sudden changes in the sale plan, ignore any private message that comes your way.
  3. Do not send Ether from an exchange or Coinbase address, only from a wallet you fully control. The tokens are transferred to buyers automatically and we will not be able to recover them for you. If you’re not sure how to send tokens from an account under your control, please contact us.
  4. We will NEVER contact you directly in a personal message via Telegram. We are always transparent and open in our communications inside of the group. Do not click any links or respond to any direct messages. These are scams.
  5. In the rush of the sale, some people may handle their private key in an irresponsible manner, leaving it in plain text on an online device. Remember that your private key is critical to the safety of your account. Secure it!

We’re excited to have you with us on this journey, enjoy the token sale!

The Snip Team



Rani Horev
Editor for

Learn something new every day. Currently Deep Learning :)