Snip February update

Rani Horev
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018

Greetings to the Snip community!

February has been an extraordinary month and we’d like to provide you with a short update on our progress, as well as our plans for the future.

A week ago we launched the Alpha version of the open writer’s platform, allowing writers to choose their news stories and get rewarded based on the users’ feedback. So far the pilot is very successful and we’re seeing content which is both higher-quality and more frequent. We’re now up to more than 30 posts a day on various topics.

We’re currently in the process of improving the ranking system, which will allow us to open the Snip platform to all writers within the upcoming weeks. If you’re interested in joining as a writer, email us at

Snip Mobile App
Today we’re releasing the new version of the iOS app, which includes a new and modern redesign, making it much more easy and fun to consume Snip content. We’re also in the process of adding a SNIP wallet to the app.

Importantly, we are now putting significant efforts on the development of a Snip Android app, which will include both the Snip content and a SNIP wallet. The first version will be out in the upcoming weeks and we’d love for you to be the first users.

Using and Trading SNIP
During February SNIP was listed on its first off-chain exchange — Qryptos! So far trade volume has been robust, with approximately $130K in daily volume since the day of the listing. We’re still on the lookout for additional exchanges but are glad SNIP users finally have a chance to trade without friction on a high-quality exchange. For those of you who like decentralized transactions, Radar Relay and EtherDelta are still viable options.

Unfortunately we still haven’t been listed on CoinMarketCap, despite reaching out and fulfilling their criteria. We encourage you to contact them on Twitter and in other mediums to encourage them to list SNIP as fast as possible.

In February a second non-founding engineer joined the team and we are on track to add another in March. Our main emphasis is now on marketing and growth and we’re looking for a full time marketing lead to help us increase usage and community engagement. We expect our marketing efforts to grow fruit and have many more people using the app and the token in the upcoming weeks.

If you’re a talented developer or an exceptional marketing & community lead, we’re hiring! Contact us at


In sum, February has exceeded our expectations with progress on all fronts. In several weeks we’ll approach a major milestone — a full SnipCoin rewarded ecosystem with Web, Android and iPhone apps! We will continue to update and are happy to hear feedback from the community. For advice, questions, or clarifications, you’re welcome to ping us on Telegram.

The Snip Team



Rani Horev
Editor for

Learn something new every day. Currently Deep Learning :)