Snip March Update

Rani Horev
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Greetings to the Snip community!

Snip is continuing to grow and gain traction and we’re excited to share with you the progress we’ve made in the past month, as well as our plans for April, which will be a big month for the platform.

We’ve been testing the open writer’s platform for 5 weeks and are seeing both increased usage and improvements in post quality. With more than 50 posts a day, on average, we’re also improving in filtering out low-quality content. We expect to launch the open platform in two weeks, allowing anyone to contribute to Snip and get rewarded!

Snip Mobile App
Our iOS app is constantly improving and becoming easier to use, and we’re excited to announce that next week we’ll be launching a full-fledged Android app! Both apps will be accompanied with an in-app SNIP wallet in April.

Using and Trading SNIP
We’re happy to see that SNIP Trading on Qryptos is going strong, with people both buying and selling SNIP without unnecessary friction. This is definitely an improvement to the off-chain exchanges, though RadarRelay and EtherDelta are still useful for those looking for decentralized trading.

Unfortunately we still haven’t been listed on CoinMarketCap, despite reaching out and fulfilling their criteria. We encourage you to contact them on Twitter and in other mediums to encourage them to list SNIP as fast as possible.

With two non-founder engineers and another joining soon, we’ve stopped seeking engineering talent for the time being. We’re now more focused on hiring marketing and growth talent, though we’ve found it difficult to find high quality hires. In the meantime, company leadership is filling in and spending a large portion of their time on marketing, writer acquisition and user acquisition.

If you’re a talented developer or an exceptional marketing & community lead, we’re hiring! Contact us at


In sum, we’ve achieved much progress in March and expect April to be especially exciting, with an open ecosystem, new hires, a SNIP wallet on Android and iPhone, and more and more! We will continue to update and are happy to hear feedback from the community. For advice, questions, or clarifications, you’re welcome to ping us on Telegram.

The Snip Team



Rani Horev
Editor for

Learn something new every day. Currently Deep Learning :)