Snip May Update

Rani Horev
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2018

Greetings to the Snip community!

May has been a month of continued development, traction, and learning and we have a suite of exciting new launches coming up in June. Our goal, as always, is to increase usage and create a great user experience for the Snip product and SNIP token.

Content and Usage
In May we saw a 100% increase in unique visitors, with 25,000 people coming into the platform. Unfortunately, conversion of visitors to daily users was lower than expected. In the next couple of weeks, we’ll add several features to increase user retention — a newsletter with the best snippets, personalized notifications, and increased social publishing and marketing.

We’ve seen that our community of writers is constantly pushing excellent content. During June we plan to expand the number of writers and stories and, more importantly, add new content types, allowing readers to easily (and quickly) gain insights from news in addition to staying updated.

Mobile Apps and Website
In May the iOS app saw improvements in speed and design, as well as the long expected addition of a SNIP and ETH wallet. We now have cross-platform support for SNIP on iPhone and Android, a rarity among cryptocurrency platforms. In June we will launch a redesigned iOS app that will match the Android app style and plan to allow writer tipping directly from the app.

We’ve been receiving positive feedback on the Snip Android app, with requests for notifications and more features for power users. In June, we expect to launch personalized notifications on both Android and iOS.

Using and Trading SNIP
With Qryptos trading and the CoinMarketCap listing, it’s now easy to buy and sell SNIP as well as observe SNIP activity. As outlined in the 2018 plan, we still plan to add an additional exchange in H2 2018, as well as list on Bancor. When considering additional exchanges, we’re looking for platforms that are popular, easy to use, and unlikely to delist SNIP later on.

Nevertheless, our top priority is not exchange listings but increasing usage of the Snip product, which will increase usage of the SNIP token.

Our employee headcount stayed constant in May. We currently have the resources to iterate fast on features while improving existing infrastructure in apps, web and backend. Company leadership is spending most of its time on user acquisition and especially user retention, a key metric which is necessary for the product to be successful.

We’re always on the lookout for great people. If you’re a talented developer or a great marketing & community lead, we’re hiring! Contact us at


In sum, in May we released several updates to the product, allowing us to learn more about how readers and writers use Snip and the necessary steps to increase user engagement. In June, we’ll be launching several features which will make the Snip product more useful and engaging. We will continue to update and are happy to hear feedback from the community. For advice, questions, or clarifications, you’re welcome to ping us on Telegram.

The Snip Team



Rani Horev
Editor for

Learn something new every day. Currently Deep Learning :)