Advanced Code Editing in SnipAway

Future Globe
SnipAway Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2019

Lets take a look at the advanced code editing in our snippet manager SnipAway. Writing and editing code is one of the core features for every snippet manager. Our internal editor is using the ace editor library. We made it possible to customize the editor as well as any other part of SnipAway. This allows you to create a very individual code editor matching your preferences and taste. We made it possible to customize the editor as well as any other part of SnipAway. This allows you to create a very individual code editor matching your preferences and taste.

Editor Settings Window

As of Version 1.1.8 we are supporting 28 Themes for the editor to choose from. Using the editor preview area we are allowing you to see the changes you make to the editor design in real time. So you are always seeing how your changes affect the look of the editor. Take a look at some editor themes:

Also, you can change basic settings like:

  • Font Size
  • Tab Size
  • Mouse Scroll Speed
  • Toggling Line Numbers & Invisibles
  • Toggling Fold Icons
  • Code Drag

and many more. To make snippet editing as comfortable as possible we support auto complete for a lot of (programming) languages we have in SnipAway. Of course as almost any other thing in SnipAway if you don’t want auto complete you can disable it any time.

We hope you liked our quick overview of the advanced editor in SnipAway. Make sure to download the app here to check out the editor yourself.

