Here’s to 2022 — Happy New Year! 🎉

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2 min readDec 31, 2021

Dear reader,

Happy New Year! It seems like we’re finally sailing away from Covid; spotting the metaphorical land after two years at sea. We don’t want to jinx it, but here’s to wave-ing this pandemic goodbye! The last few months of 2021 have meant a lot of changes here at Snipette. New editors and illustrators in training have meant our team has more than doubled in size, and it’s been a blast to work with everyone! Some of us started semi-residential school again, and we’ve had to work through different timings and internet restrictions to put out weekly pieces for you.


Our highlight of this new year is the new crowdfunding campaign we’re starting! we hope to make Analog (our print edition) more affordable for everyone. It’s easy to help us: you just pledge money to help us meet our goal (and get some exciting perks!) If we do, we’ll reach out to you and you pay us only then to receive Analog at a discounted rate — so please go add your name!

New Website!

Another change is us switching to a new website, which you will see appear in stages over the next week or so. This will mean weekly emails (if you’re subscribed to them — and if not, you can sign up here) will be a lot better looking. We’re also going to revive our book recommendations on these emails, so keep an eye out for those! Based on how they went last time, we’ve decided to make them more in-depth, and we’ll now have only one recommendation a week, but with a longer write-up. Something we’re all really looking forward to is the addition of comments on articles, so we can hear your thoughts on the work we put out.

Eel at Home

Last, we’d like to share a very special article with you, Eel at Home, by our very own Akil Ravi. She came across this story, randomly, and was fascinated at how far curiosity drives a person; after all, sailing for 18 years looking for the birthplace of eels is not that simple a feat! It says a lot, really. To us, this is what Snipette is about. Finding an interesting topic, and then making it accessible, to spread your excitement (and Akil’s was quite infectious!) and fittingly, satisfy your own curiosities.

Thank you for reading, as always, and we wish you a very happy new year!

Editors at Snipette,

Badri, Akil, Manasa and Nia

