Snipette Quarterly Review — A Step Back, and A Step Forward

Manasa Kashi
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4 min readAug 31, 2020

Dear Readers,

It’s been one hell of a year, hasn’t it? And everytime we think we might have reached the ninth circle, it quickly becomes apparent we’re really only somewhere on the periphery. Eight months into the year, and nearly six into lockdown, but it may well have been years for all it feels like.

It’s a whole new meaning of “Are we there, yet?”

Fingers crossed, we are.

Snipette was born on Medium. For two years, we published exclusively there, and even after we gained our own website and have been getting more traffic there, we continued to publish like clockwork.

That’s about to change.

Some of you may already have read Medium’s new terms and conditions. (If not, you can find them here). These new terms, namely the one that gives Medium permission to change and re-publish, made some of our authors uneasy. After some discussion — among us editors, and taking feedback from our authors — we have decided not to make Medium publication a necessity anymore. In other words, whether or not we publish a piece on Medium will be entirely up to each individual author’s prerogative. As a result, we may not stick to our weekly schedule on this platform.

Do not lose hope! Snipette will still publish the pieces you love each week on our website, If you are a regular reader, we strongly urge you to take a look here.

Meanwhile, we’ve decided to step back and take a look at our own terms and conditions as well. Instead of doing this backstage, we’ve decided to throw this open to authors and readers to give their feedback as well. Review the (in progress) draft to add in your word!

However, all of this creates a fundamental issue for us. While on Medium, our authors (in some countries) made money via Medium’s Partner Programme. However, if they chose to stop posting their Snipette pieces on Medium, they will lose that source of income. So, we are requesting all of you to pitch in, and donate some money to Snipette.

Please know that any money you donate will be given to our authors, or will be used for the backend work we need to put this decision in action. (We hope to soon have enough paid memberships to support our authors ourselves, but we do not currently have those resources).

We’re so thrilled to welcome one more editor to our rapidly-growing team. Akil Ravi, a friend of all the existing editors, will be hopping on board as the second Associate Editor. We hope she isn’t scared off too quickly, and has a great time!

However, that’s not to say that we’re anywhere near full! We do have another editorial position open, for associate editors:

Candidates should have a strong grasp of English grammar and syntax, and an understanding of article structure. In addition, they should be comfortable writing short inserts and passages on their own. A familiarity of Snipette and its work would be preferred. They will work with us to edit articles and also perform some small administrative tasks. About 4–6 hours of work per week can be expected. The position is currently unpaid; this may change in future, reliant upon how our Membership plan works out.

Thank you for reading this far. See you on Friday!

Snipette Editors,
Badri, Manasa, Akil, and Nia

PS: if you have any ideas for us, we’d love to hear from you. Simply reply to this email, and it’ll go straight to our inboxes. We may take a little while to respond, but we’ll get back for sure!



Manasa Kashi

Full-time student. Part-time writer. Amateur musician. Professional eater. Obsessive stylist. Compulsive reader. Editor@Snipette.