🏰 Snipette Webinar this Sunday!

Manasa Kashi
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2 min readJun 2, 2021

Hi there,

June is upon us, and we’re thrilled to announce that registrations are now open for our second webinar! This month’s SnipĂȘtte Ă  tĂȘte is with Paul Cathill, editor of Interesting Histories and also a writer of many interesting pieces at Snipette.

In this webinar, we’ll be talking about writing, history, and writing about history. Join us to take part in the conversation and get some insight into the process of writing — from idea to article. This is also the chance we, the editors, get to interact directly with you, the reader, so we’d be delighted if you could make it!

Timings: Sunday, the 6th of June
Queensland: 3:30 pm
India: 11:00 am
Vietnam: 12:30 pm
Anywhere else: see here

You can find out more on our website page here, or head straight here for the signup form.

When we say “history”, we don’t just mean wars and battles. While Paul’s articles do include quite a bit of those, he’s also covered the origin of programming, the etymology of gender terms, and how camels landed up in the Australian outback.

The ‘wars and battles’ side of history isn’t shortchanged either, and we would personally recommend his article about how Scotland tried to establish its presence in America, as an independent nation, before it gave up and joined the UK.

This webinar is going to be more interactive than the last, so whichever side of history you’re on, we hope to bring you an engaging discussion. Feel free to share this around with your friends — and looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!

The Snipette Team



Manasa Kashi
Editor for

Full-time student. Part-time writer. Amateur musician. Professional eater. Obsessive stylist. Compulsive reader. Editor@Snipette.