Analyzing Sniply Analytics
Sniply Analytics are quite powerful. You can track how many times your links have been clicked, how many of them convert, and track your conversion rates. You can even see the average pages per visit, time on site, time on landing page, and even bounce rates. It’s important to understand these terms and what they mean for your business!
Snips Created is the total number of Snips you’ve created within a designated time frame.
Why is this important? This is a core element to understanding your return on investment. Numebr of Snips created is essentially pieces of content shared. Driving 1000 conversions with 1 piece of content is much more efficient than with 1000 pieces of content.
Clicks are the total number of times people have clicked on your Sniply links to visit your shared content.
Why is this important? This tells you exactly how many people click on your links and visit your shared content. From an advertising standpoint, this can also be understood as the number of impressions for your Sniply message.
Conversions are the total number of times people have clicked on your Sniply message and call-to-action.
Why is this important? This is probably the single most important number because it tells you how many people actually interact with your call-to-action and arrive at your designated destination. This could be your landing page, your online store, a newsletter subscription, app download, or anywhere else you want people to visit.
Conversion Rate is the ratio between Clicks and Conversions.
Why is this important? This is used to determine how effective your Snips are at driving conversions. A conversion rate of 10% means that for every 100 people who visit your shared content, 10 of them will click-through on your call-to-action and arrive at your destination page.
Average Pages Per Visit is the average number of pages people visit after clicking on your Sniply links.
Why is this important? This is an insightful number that tells you how many pages on average people visit after arriving at the initial page you shared. For example, if you share a link to BuzzFeed, people might read 3 or 4 articles before leaving the session. It’s important to note that your Sniply message stays visible during the entire session, so you retain exposure on all the pages they visit after they click on your Sniply link.
Average Time on Site is the average amount of time people spend in total after clicking on your Sniply links.
Why is this important? Much like the Average Pages Per Visit, it’s important to note that your Sniply message stays visible during the entire session after they click on your Sniply link. The Average Time on Site shows the average amount of time people spend on your Sniply links and can also be interpreted as the average amount of time your Sniply message stays visible to people who visit your shared content.
Average Time on Landing Page is the average amount of time people spend on the first page after clicking on your Sniply links.
Why is this important? This tells you whether you’re sharing valuable content. This number tells you how long they spend on the first page of your Sniply link, which is often times the piece of content you intended to share. If people spend a long time on the content you share, that usually means you’re sharing good content.
Bounce Rate is the percentage of people who leave your Sniply links within 10 seconds.
Why is this important? If your bounce rate is high, that means you’re not sharing the right types of content. A bounce is defined by a visitor who leaves within 10 seconds of landing on a piece of content. This ususally means that people clicked on your Sniply link and within 10 seconds decided to leave. Low bounce rates usually mean you’re sharing good content.