Why Should I Use Sniply?

Sniply Marketing Blog
3 min readSep 29, 2014


Sniply is an online marketing tool used by everyone from independent marketers to thriving enterprises. We’ve generated over 15 million clicks so we must be doing something right. So, why should you use Sniply?

Well it’s a simple tool that essentially lets you drive conversions from any piece of content on the web. You can put your call-to-action on any page across the web. You can use it to drive more traffic to your website, downloads of your app, registrations for your event, customers for your service, and more.

Here are 3 huge reasons why it’s worth your consideration:

Conversions from Curated Content

The world of sharing is changing. If you toot your own horn all day, people will ignore your self-centered practices. Many experts claim that at least 50% of the content you share should be from others. Nowadays, successful brands sift through the endless web to curate relevant and valuable content for their audience to enjoy.

This also means that 50% of your online sharing consists of driving traffic to somebody else’s website. Curated content have no mentions of your brand, no association with you post click-through, and essentially cuts you out of the picture.

We realized at Sniply that the only way for you to capture value from curated content is to be part of the viewing experience; to follow your users through onto the page itself. Using Sniply, you can attach your own brand to every link you share, and you’ll actually show up on the page itself. Whether it’s an article from Forbes or video on YouTube, you can include your own custom call-to-action to drive conversions from curated content.

Conversions from Earned Media

Another great opportunity to use Sniply is on Earned Media. Media is considered “earned” when a publication features you or a blogger mentions you. This means that you never paid for the exposure, but you’ve “earned” it through your endeavors.

When someone writes about you, you share the article; no brainer. However, often times there are no clear call-to-actions back to you! People are reading about you, they’re interested, and they have to dig through the entire article to find to learn more. With Sniply, you can take control of Earned Media and include your own call-to-action as you share it.

Conversions from Your Own Content

When you want something — you have to ask! Including a call-to-action on links to your own content is an effective to get your followers to take action. Sniply gives you the flexibility to change your messaging dynamically and keep your followers updated on what you want them to know. Best of all, you can do all of that without touching a single line of HTML or altering the website in any way. This means that you won’t need to coordinate with your tech guy on every marketing campaign.

For example, maybe you have a webinar coming up or a new app you’d like people to download, you can just add the call-to-action onto the page with the click of a button. There are a million ways to use the tool and the beauty of it all is that Sniply puts you in control.

This guide is part of a series — also check out:

What is Sniply?
Why should I Use Sniply?
Introducing Sniply Analytics
Getting More Clicks with Sniply
Getting More Conversions with Sniply
Branding Opportunities with Sniply
Managing Multiple Brands with Sniply
The Sniply Workflow
Sniply for Content Publishers
Sniply for Small Businesses
Sniply for Enterprise



Sniply Marketing Blog

@Sniply is the only way to drive conversion through content curation