The Freelancer Mindset Told By The Numbers

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3 min readJan 29, 2020

We care a lot about freelancers at Snipply. The freelance economy is growing at an extraordinary pace, with 56.7 million Americans doing freelance work today — up by 3.7 million since 2014, according to a new study of 6,001 workers commissioned by the giant freelance platform Upwork and the Freelancers Union. That represents one-third of American workers.

While some previously thought freelancers were being forced into part-time roles, the opposite is true — and freelancers are probably happier then they’ve ever been. Let’s take a look at the freelancer mindset through some stats below, taken from Upwork’s 2018 Freelancing in America Report.

Freelancing by Choice

  • 62% of freelancers started freelancing by choice as opposed to necessity
  • 76% of freelancers are happier freelancing than they felt while working traditional jobs.

In the past, we assumed freelancers were forced into part-time gigs due to layoffs or struggling to find full-time work. The opposite is true, and the choice to become a freelancer will only increase as the market opportunities increase.

Freelancing’s Positive Outlook

  • 92% of freelancers expect their work opportunities to continue to increase.
  • 90% have a positive outlook in terms of how they work both now and in the future.
  • 72% of freelancers say they either have the amount of work that they want or more.

While we can look at market data to see that the freelance economy is large and continuing to grow, it’s important to see that the mindset of freelance workers is in agreement. With 92% of freelancers expecting their work opportunities to continue to increase over time, you can only imagine the growth of the industry.

Freelancing for Monetary Benefit

  • Two-thirds of freelancers say they earn more than they did at their job with a traditional employer.
  • Of those earning a greater income as a freelancer, 81% say it took them less than a year to earn this level of income.
  • 82% of freelancers say in the past year they’ve earned as much or more compared with others doing similar work.

Not only is the freelance economy growing, but the wallets of freelancers are growing as well. More money combined the freedoms of being your own boss must make for some happy workers, right?

Freelancing for Happiness

  • 84% of full-time freelancers say their work lets them live the lifestyle they want, compared to 63% of full-time traditional workers.
  • 54% say there is no amount of money where they would definitely take a traditional job.
  • Among full-time freelancers, 64% said their health has improved since they began freelancing.

Well, I guess it does make for happier workers. With 84% percent of freelancers saying that freelancing affords them to live the way they want to live and 54% percent saying they would never go back to a traditional job, it seems to be that freelancing can do wonders for your health and happiness.

If you loved the list make sure to follow our blog, as we’ll be adding tons of resources and commentary over the next few weeks on everything from social media marketing to growth hacks living in the freelance economy.

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