Why You Need to Be Building Your Brand From the Very Beginning

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2 min readFeb 4, 2020

We’ve been trying to figure out our brand recently at Snipply, and decided to share some of our thoughts and exercises we found helpful. Your brand, whether a person or a company, is important. It’s how people (and other companies) perceive you or your company everywhere they have a touchpoint.

Brands aren’t just names, color schemes, and logos that you create to somehow distinguish yourself in a market. It’s every impression someone has of the company.

Your company is like a person — it has a name, a style, a way of communicating, a face (or faces as in your team), friends and family in partners and professional relationships. People and companies talk about your company, in private and online, whether it is through professional publications or social media.

What your brand should be isn’t just an exercise to go through. Your brand is the foundation for scaling your company. From finding your initial product-market fit to customer retention, growth marketing channels and more — these activities will all build off of your brand.

You also can’t build a brand without defining the consistent measures and activities to maintain it. It’s never-ending work, from building your initial brand and communication strategy to executing campaigns and gathering data from users.

Research by McKinsey has shown that well-defined brands that adopt the right inbound marketing tactics are most likely to succeed, regardless of the sector they are in. While this is true for all industries, if building a digital brand (especially a tech startup) it is essential as your consumers are likely to be fully digital.

By this I mean the majority of your scalable clients, partners, users, etc are going to be interacting with your brand digitally the majority of the time. I’m not saying there aren’t conferences and events where you can interact face to face with clients and users- just the fact that their total time interacted with your brand will be digital since your product and main communication vehicles will be digital.

Now that we know that building a brand is important, how do we do it? And just as important, how do we maintain it and use it to our advantage?

Over the next few weeks, we’ll cover all of this from building an initial brand and maintaining it, to honing your brand proposition and using it to your advantage.

If working on building a brand make sure to follow our blog, as we’ll be adding these guides along with tons of resources to check out to help you in building your company.

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