Context-Awareness Meetup at Snips, with Serge Abiteboul

Joseph Dureau
Snips Blog
Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2016

Since we were kids, we’ve been told the future would look like sci-fi movies. At Snips, we believe it should be the other way around: technology should be so smart that it disappears into the background! The key to turning this vision into a reality is to make connected devices context-aware.

Jointly with Serge Abiteboul, a research director and INRIA, a blogger, and a former chair of the Collège de France, Snips is organizing a meetup on context awareness on March 3rd, 7:30pm (Snips HQ 18 rue Saint-Marc, 75002 Paris, France). We will be covering both theoretical and practical aspects of context awareness:

Due to limited seating capacity, prior registration is requested. Please RSVP to let us know if you are coming by February 22nd.

We hope to see you at Snips!

