#TheAIWishlist from Snips

We asked the Snips team “What’s your hope for AI?” and this is what we got.

Lori White
Snips Blog


“There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question.”

— Carl Sagan

Many of us, when we’re first introduced to AI … think, “ROBOTS. Of the future. And Siri.”

“Luke I am your robot” via Starwars.com

But there’s more to it than that. And just as every question is a cry to understand the world, every hope is a cry to help the world. So we asked.

What is your hope for AI?

Here’s what Snips had to say about AI’s future:

My hope is that AI will create a symbiosis between man and machine, enabling us to reap the benefits of technology while feeling constantly unplugged!

AI is not one thing. It’s not one thing that’s happening now or a thing that’s gonna be happening in the future.

My ultimate hope with AI is that we end up living in a totally free and creative world, in which technology disappears into the background to serve our dreams, safeguarding what we wish to remain private, in harmony with our whole environment, ever pushing the limits of the universe. Just that. Easy no?

My hope is that AI cures all diseases, including mortality.

My hope is that AI confirms or deny every single fact mentioned by a politician in a debate.

My hope is that AI allows humans to focus on humanity: be generous, be nice, be creative, meet, party, drink, eat, travel, and meet again.

AI has always been there, and progressing since decades. We’re just at a tipping point where people are putting a lot of focus on it. Maybe because it’s playing and it’s gonna keep playing in the coming years a key role in transforming more relevant interfaces.

I hope to get help from AI to make production more efficient and rational.

“I hope that AI changes how we see labor: let the machines work and let humans share the profit. Share equally whatever little human labor is left to do.It can be achieved by letting AI work in plants, farms, drive trains and planes … take AI home and let it work for you, reducing the need for external services, therefore money, therefore work. More free time for everyone. ” “My hope is that AI solves BIG human problems, not merely how to find the perfect restaurant, but how to do things like use queries in our power plants to reduce carbon emissions and have an impact on climate change.”

I think that AI can ultimately change the online lives of women and minorities by creating the filters to combat trolls that platforms like Twitter won’t do on their own. This could create a de-biased communication platform out of what was once a troll incubator, creating a platform, and ultimately a global conversation, where everyone gets a mathematically intelligence-informed equal say, and we can see (and experience) a world where there’s truly less unconscious bias.

I see AI as the ultimate 3rd party mediator … revealing ingrained biases (racism, sexism, classism) and creating ways (or just uncovering existing ways) to correct them! I’m a trekkie, so I see AI as the logical Spock to our emotional Captain Kirk. 😉

My hope for AI is to make it possible for humans to realize all their potential.

My hope, scratch that, my conviction, is that AI will help solve an array of issues plaguing our human condition, typically in things where we’ve already engineered our own demise: for example, our massive dependency and transformation of fossil fuel leads to the depletion of the ozone layer, overheating and ultimately melting of the ice caps.

By focusing on making technology disappear, we can re-introduce choice into how people live their lives on so many levels, from just giving people back their time, to offering a culture that allows people everywhere to question the status quo. Radical stuff. As long as we use AI as a collaborator to our human heart and soul (and we don’t both live and die by the data alone) — there’s some exciting things ahead.

There is a category of AI, let’s call it Applied-AI which is already and will increasingly assist humans in accelerating the research and innovation around key challenges.

A few years back, giving you the shortest trip between two points was AI.Updating it in real time, while you’re driving, like Waze does, was AI as well, and it now a common thing.

There has been and there will be more revolutions related to AI (curing illnesses, self-driving cars, lower energy consumption, etc), but what I feel we’re living right now is a very interesting moment in which UX is being transformed by AI, among other things through the advent of voice-powered interfaces.

My hope is that AI will bring significant contribution in terms of improving the human intellect.

I think that AI and privacy can help everyone understand how important consent is. We see a lot of evolution with consent in the field of interpersonal relationships and sex, but it’s a pervasive cultural problem, and Snips’ integrity around data consent and AI is huge in moving the needle towards a culture where humans/corporations respect each other.

By silently, privately, and deeply understanding what we’re doing over time, applications will seamlessly solve the problem of time just slipping through our fingers … AI could give us is the gift of memory.

AI will be instrumental to break down the spiral and massively optimize resource consumption while our species grows more numerous. For example, studies have shown that a city fully optimized with car sharing could potentially eradicate traffic. Similarly, AI will be able to tackle food and water engineering challenges, space exploration challenges, etc… All of these things will happen before AI becomes human-like, generalized and worthy of Alan Turing’s wildest dreams…… or Isaac Asimov’s worst nightmares.


Originally published at snips.ai.



Lori White
Snips Blog

Senior UX writer — alum: Coinbase, Daily Harvest