Machine Learning Whiteboard

Multi-Resolution Weak Supervision for Sequential Data

Machine Learning Whiteboard (MLW) Open-source Series

Team Snorkel
Snorkel AI


Our machine learning whiteboard (MLW) is an open-invite space to brainstorm ideas and discuss the latest papers, techniques, and workflows in the AI space. We emphasize an informal and open environment to everyone interested in discovering more about machine learning.

In this episode, Hiromu Hota, Vincent Sunn Chen, Daniel Y. Fu, and Frederic Sala dive into “Multi-Resolution Weak Supervision for Sequential Data,” a paper authored by Frederic Sala, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Daniel Y. Fu, Shiori Sagawa, Saelig Khattar, Ashwini Ramamoorthy, Ke Xiao, Kayvon Fatahalian, James Priest, and Christopher Ré presented at NeurIPS 2019.

This episode is part of the #MLwhiteboard video series hosted by Snorkel AI. Check out the episode here:


Since manually labeling training data is slow and expensive, recent industrial and scientific research efforts have turned to weaker or noisier forms of supervision sources. However, existing weak supervision approaches fail to model multi-resolution sources for sequential data, like video, that can assign labels to individual elements or collections of elements in a sequence. A key challenge in weak supervision is estimating the unknown accuracies and correlations of these sources without using labeled data. Multi-resolution sources exacerbate this challenge due to complex correlations and sample complexity that scales in the length of the sequence. We propose Dugong, the first framework to model multi-resolution weak supervision sources with complex correlations to assign probabilistic labels to training data. Theoretically, we prove that Dugong, under mild conditions, can uniquely recover the unobserved accuracy and correlation parameters and use parameter sharing to improve sample complexity. Our method assigns clinician-validated labels to population-scale biomedical video repositories, helping outperform traditional supervision by 36.8 F1 points and addressing a key use case where machine learning has been severely limited by the lack of expert labeled data. On average, Dugong improves over traditional supervision by 16.0 F1 points and existing weak supervision approaches by 24.2 F1 points across several video and sensor classification tasks.

If you are interested in learning with us, consider joining us at our biweekly ML whiteboard.

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