Where is the beauty of Snorkeling in Rhodes?

Snorkeling Abroad
Snorkeling Abroad
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2021

Rhodes is one of the Greek islands. You can do a huge amount of things and is therefore also very popular among tourists. One of the things that is popular on the island: snorkeling. Thanks to the clear blue water you can actually look beautifully clean anywhere on the island, but there are a few hotspots where you are sure to be successful.

This post is a summary of our original which you can find here.

Photo by Serhat Beyazkaya on Unsplash


Kalithea is the place to go for snorkeling. It literally means “good visibility” and this also refers to the color of the water and especially underwater. Thanks to good soil you can look far. With a small bay including a sandy beach you can step right into the water, even with a set of steps. You lie among the rocks to see the beautiful nature, it is definitely worth it and a wonderful experience!

Snorkeling Rhodes: Tsambika beach

Fortunately, you can go to more places than just Kalithea. Another possibility is Tsambika Beach. Just like Kalithea it has a beautiful sandy beach and you can walk nicely in the area.

Tsambika beach

Snorkeling Rhodes: Lindos bay

Another well-known possibility is the bay at Lindos. Although less well-known, you also seem to be able to get some clean under water here.



Snorkeling Abroad
Snorkeling Abroad

We have a website on the best snorkeling spots in the world.