First Snow Day of Spring

Taylor Woods
Snow Day 2018
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018
Lanigan Hall and Penfield Library, SUNY Oswego

Oswego, known for its beautiful sunsets and bars on bridge street. Also known for its snowy conditions and winds that can knock you over.

On Wednesday, Oswego was bombarded with at least half a foot of snow. This resulted in multiple class cancellations and even the college, Oswego State, to cancel all afternoon and evening classes.

For one student, Dylan D’Auria, a Junior Finance student, it was exciting to see all the snowfall.

“I like the snow because I can go skiing and snowmobiling,” D’Auria said. “I just like how pretty it is.”

While D’Auria loves the snow, it was a little disappointing for classes to be cancelled later in the day. D’Auria lives off-campus and commutes to the school every day. He had already driven to school when classes were cancelled.

“My car is so bad in the snow,” D’Auria said. “Now I have to drive home when it’s worse.”

D’Auria has not been able to get snow tires, so, driving in the snow for him can be risky, since he lives about 10 minutes from campus.

“I just drive like 10-miles-per-hour all the way here.” D’Auria said.

SUNY Oswego

Even with this struggle, D’Auria was still enthusiastic about the first snow day of the spring semester.

As students shuffled back to their dorms, snow continued to fall. Oswego expected 6-to-10 inches of snow up until early Thursday morning.

It is still unsure whether classes will see more cancellations or if students will have to brave out the snow and cold.

