Off-campus students struggle to get to class on snowy days

Alexander Plate
Snow Day 2018
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018
Snow builds up on the sidewalk in front of Mackin Complex, a common entry to campus for off-campus students walking to class.

Some classes at Oswego State were cancelled on Wednesday, as a forecasted 6–8 inches of snow fell on the campus.

For off-campus students, classes cancelling on a snow day is the ultimate luxury, keeping them from battling their ways through the snow drifts, or down the icy, sometimes poorly plowed streets.

Maryjay Olalekan lives off-campus, on Turrill Street, and usually walks to campus to attend her classes. The Oswego bus schedule can complicate her commute to class, as it doesn’t match with the times she has class.

“My class schedule doesn’t match with the bus schedule, so I have to walk to class when it snowing badly,” Olalekan said. “I don’t have a car.”

This can make getting to class a long process for her, walking over snow banks, through unplowed sidewalks and in heavy winds.

However, Olalekan doesn’t see uncancelled classes as an issue.

“Just because we live off-campus doesn’t mean [professors] shouldn’t do their jobs,” Olalekan said.

She also doesn’t see a solution in classes where attendance is optional, on snowy days or in general, either.

“It’s still not a win-win situation because you’re still going to have to catch up on the work you missed,” Olalekan said.

As for today’s and future snow days, Olalekan said she intends to continue attending uncancelled classes, even through the storms.

“Personally I see it as, I pay for college so I’m going to do whatever I can to get to my class, if it’s not too dangerous,” Olalekan said.

