Winter Storm hits SUNY Oswego

Mackenzie Lynch
Snow Day 2018
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2018
Snowfall outside Scales Hall

SUNY Oswego decided to hold classes today, despite a winter snow warning sweeping counties across Upstate New York. I caught up with students Anderson Donaghey and Valerie Blaha to get their thoughts on the storm.

“I’m so used to crazy Oswego weather that I thought classes wouldn’t be cancelled,” said Valerie, a junior, double majoring in theatre and journalism.

“I would’ve loved one, but not really,” said Anderson, a freshman adolescent education major.

Both students are commuters, and expressed their concerns getting on the Oswego campus today.

“The stom was supposed to start right when I normally leave for school,” said Anderson, who has to drive from Baldwinsville. She said the roads were, “…a little slick at some parts, but for most of it I just had to drive slower.

Valerie had yet to leave her house, but said the road conditions looked bad, adding that a plow hadn’t come to her house yet.

Valerie also said that due to the weather, she expected a lot of students to be missing from her classes. “I already know that all of my housemates are not going to their classes, they’re just going to skip.”

Oswego County is expected to receive 6–10 inches of snow between now, and early Thursday morning when the winter storm warning is expected to end.

