MetaMask Security Measures

Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

This guide will cover how to keep your MetaMask wallet safer than ever through revoking unnecessary token approvals, disconnecting from unused dapps and learning how to lock your wallet when you are no longer utilizing it.

Revoking Token Approvals

You’ll be able to revoke any unnecessary token approvals through SnowTrace. Simply enter your wallet address in the site once it prompts you for it:

The site will list the tokens you have approved through your wallet. You can click on any of them and click on Revoke in order to set that approval to 0:

This will prompt you to sign a transaction through your wallet. Confirm that and your approval is revoked!

Disconnecting From Unused Dapps

Through MetaMask, you are able to see a list of sites whom you’ve allowed to connect to your wallet:

If you’d like to disconnect from any of them, simply click on the trash can icon to the right of any in the list:

Locking Your Wallet

When not using your computer, and especially if you are not accustomed to locking your computer when walking away from it, it is highly advised to lock your wallet to not allow others nearby to make any transactions you are not aware of.

This is as simple as clicking on your account icon on the top right and selecting Lock:

By default, MetaMask locks your wallet after a certain amount of time. This value can be changed through MetaMask’s advanced settings.




JavaScript developer and blockchain enthusiast. Developer of @cookietrack_io and technical writer for @snowballdefi & @axialdefi