Snowball Docs Update

Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2021

As promised in our Third Quarter Transparency Report, the Snowball docs have received an update, making them clearer and easier to read.

In this update we’ve rewritten our core pages for improved clarity, added a DeFi glossary page that is referenced throughout our docs, and added a feedback link where people can provide direct feedback on our docs. With these changes, our documentation is some of the best in DeFi.

View our documentation 2.0 here.

Improved Clarity and Intuitiveness

Our docs have been rewritten, page by page, to make them clearer. This includes new page navigation and titles that are more intuitive. Additionally, most pages now have a resources section where readers can find links to other relevant topics.

DeFi Glossary

Some of our readers may be new to the crypto and the DeFi space, or they may come across a financial word or two they’ve never seen before. In this version of our docs we’ve added a DeFi glossary that contains some of the industry-specific terms used in DeFi. These terms are linked throughout our docs, providing an easier reading experience.

Provide Feedback

The final touch to our documentation is a link where you can directly give feedback on our docs. It’s possible there have been oversights on our end (misspellings, wrong links, etc.) that made it into the final draft. Or, maybe there are sections that you feel are still unclear or ambiguous. With the option to provide feedback we’re giving you a direct line to influence Snowball’s docs. Send in feedback and we’ll review it so that we can make our docs even better.

About Snowball

Snowball is an auto-compounder for liquidity rewards and an automated market maker (AMM) for stablecoins. It was the first auto-compounder launched on Avalanche and it prides itself on being entirely community run. If you’d like to be a part of Snowball, join the conversation in Discord or Telegram. Stay up to date on our Twitter.

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Snowball is an auto-compounder for liquidity rewards and an automated market maker (AMM) for stable assets. It is built on the Avalanche blockchain.