Snowball Weekly Newsletter — 15/04/2022

Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2022

With some exciting launches this week, and even more coming next week, we’ll take a quick look at what has happened. Check out this week’s highlights below:

New Auto-Compounding Strategies

This week we’ve launched an auto-compounding strategy for the AVAX - LOST pool on Trader Joe, so that you can get the most out of your Lost Worlds token while not having to worry about compounding your yield yourself.

We’ve also released a strategy for that same pool on Pangolin, so users can choose their favorite DEXs to auto-compound on top of. Happy farming!

Claim Your Beanie NFTs!

If you were one of the lucky minters of our holiday hat NFT, you can now claim your merch; a lovely Snowball Beanie from our partners at Husky!

When you claim your merch through, you will mint a new version of your holiday hat NFT, which has a new look, indicating the merch has been successfully claimed!

OpenSwap AMA Recap

Missed our AMA with OpenSwap earlier this month? Do not fret- we’ve compiled the questions asked during the event into a Medium article for you to read at your leisure. Check it out here.

Snowball Stats

  • 61.24% of all SNOB tokens are being staked for xSNOB.
  • 1200+ members of the community are staking their SNOB.
  • On average, SNOB is being staked for 1.35 years!
  • This week 9,970 SNOB was distributed to xSNOB holders, alongside 771,415 AXIAL tokens. This makes up an APR of 50.24% per xSNOB.
  • 40.51% of all xSNOB holders have participated in governance.

Unsure why you should stake your SNOB? Check out our documentation here.

About Snowball

Snowball Venture Studio is a community run DAO whose mission is to spur innovation in the DeFi ecosystem by providing resources and support to new projects and teams. Snowball Venture Studio has already launched or is supporting Snowball Earn, Snowball DeFi University, Axial, Teddy, Lava, and FiHub.

If your DeFi startup is looking for assistance with engineering, design, branding, marketing, or strategy, we would love to speak with you. Join the conversation in Discord or Telegram and stay up to date on our Twitter.

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JavaScript developer and blockchain enthusiast. Developer of @cookietrack_io and technical writer for @snowballdefi & @axialdefi