Snowball Weekly Newsletter — 21/04/2022

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3 min readApr 21, 2022

Welcome to another weekly newsletter from Snowball! We’ve had many updates with regards to Snowball Earn, the direction we’re taking with future product launches, as well as a shiny new landing page to show off. Read all about these below:

BenQi Pools Update

With BenQi’s latest addition of native assets, such as USDC and USDT (different from the old bridged USDC.e and USDT.e we are all accustomed to), we now have new lending markets to fold and auto-compound our lineup of pools on Snowball Earn.

These new pools are currently yielding significantly more than their bridged counterparts; definitely worth to check out here.

We’re Evolving!

Our core strategist Jomari released a new article this week detailing some changes we’re making to our team. These include how we plan on organizing ourselves to maintain the projects we’ve launched thus far, as well as to continue pushing innovation into the Avalanche ecosystem.

There’s even some hidden alpha to be had in there. Check out the article here and feel free to reach to us through our community channels if you have questions about what’s to come!

Our Sparkling New Landing Page

Have you visited our landing page lately at You might find we have a brand new design to really describe what our community is all about. Have any feedback to give regarding our new style? Reach out on Discord, Telegram or Twitter!

Snowball Stats

  • $32,000+ of value harvested in our compounding strategies this week.
  • 64.06% of all SNOB tokens are being staked for xSNOB.
  • 1200+ members of the community are staking their SNOB.
  • On average, SNOB is being staked for 1.33 years!
  • This week 12,566 SNOB was distributed to xSNOB holders, alongside 427,619 AXIAL tokens. This makes up an APR of 26.71% per xSNOB.
  • 40.98% of all xSNOB holders have participated in governance.

Unsure why you should stake your SNOB? Check out our documentation here.

About Snowball

Snowball Venture Studio is a community run DAO whose mission is to spur innovation in the DeFi ecosystem by providing resources and support to new projects and teams. Snowball Venture Studio has already launched or is supporting Snowball Earn, Snowball DeFi University, Axial, Teddy, Lava, and FiHub.

If your DeFi startup is looking for assistance with engineering, design, branding, marketing, or strategy, we would love to speak with you. Join the conversation in Discord or Telegram and stay up to date on our Twitter.

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JavaScript developer and blockchain enthusiast. Developer of @cookietrack_io and technical writer for @snowballdefi & @axialdefi