Snowball x Trader Joe | AVAX-ETH Auto-Compounding Strategy

Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2021
Image: Trader Joe and Sasquatch shaking hands

Snowball’s first auto-compounding strategy for Trader Joe, the AVAX — ETH pool is now live. This strategy auto-compounds JOE rewards for anyone deposited on Snowball.

We chose to auto-compound Trader Joe because we believe they are offering a unique value proposition as a DEX. No other DEX on Avalanche has launched with as many new features as Trader Joe.

Deposit your AVAX — ETH, Trader Joe liquidity pool tokens on Snowball here.

How to Deposit
  1. Supply liquidity to the AVAX — ETH pool on Trader Joe. After depositing into this pool, you will receive a receipt token that represents your deposit.
  2. Head to Snowball’s auto-compounding page and deposit your receipt token into the Trader Joe, AVAX — ETH pool.
  3. Once you have deposited into Snowball’s auto-compounding page, deposit into our earn page for the same pool. This will earn you SNOB rewards on top of your auto-compounding rewards.
About Snowball

Snowball is an auto-compounder for liquidity rewards and an automated market maker (AMM) for stablecoins. It was the first auto-compounder launched on Avalanche and it prides itself on being entirely community run. If you’d like to be a part of Snowball, join the conversation in Discord. Stay up to date on our Twitter.

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Snowball is an auto-compounder for liquidity rewards and an automated market maker (AMM) for stable assets. It is built on the Avalanche blockchain.