Unstaking SNOB

Published in
Feb 22, 2022

This guide covers how to unstake your SNOB tokens. Keep in mind you cannot unstake before the lock period you selected has expired. To learn more about how SNOB staking works, check out our docs here or our FAQ here.

Step 1: Head to Snowball’s Staking page.

Our staking page can be found here. Make sure your wallet is connected and you have Avalanche’s C-Chain selected.

Step 2: Withdraw Your SNOB!

As long as your stake has expired, you will see and be able to click WITHDRAW. You will be asked to approve the transaction through your wallet.

Congratulations! As soon as the transaction is confirmed, your SNOB should be back in your wallet. Thank you for contributing to Snowball’s governance during your stake, and we hope you’ll return soon!




JavaScript developer and blockchain enthusiast. Developer of @cookietrack_io and technical writer for @snowballdefi & @axialdefi