Voting on Gauges with xSNOB

Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

This guide covers voting on gauges with xSNOB to determine the allocation of SNOB rewards. Once you have voted, your vote will remain in place, unless you change your vote. To learn more about the functionality of gauges, check out our documentation here.

Step 1: Head to Snowball’s Staking page.

Our staking page can be found here. Make sure your wallet is connected and you have Avalanche’s C-Chain selected.

Step 2: Click on the “Vote” tab.

Step 3: Select Pools to Vote for.

Through the dropdown, select the pools you would like to vote for. Alternatively, click SELECT ALL to view all the pools simultaneously (this does not force you to vote on every pool).

Step 4: Select Your Vote Allocations.

Type the percentage weight you would like to apply to each pool into the boxes on the right. Remember that the total percentage must add up to 100%.

Step 5: Place Your Vote.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click SUBMIT VOTE. You will be asked to approve the transaction through your wallet. If the button is greyed out, please ensure that your vote percentages add up to 100%.

Congratulations! Once your transaction is confirmed, your vote will have been counted. Thank you for doing your part to ensure SNOB rewards are going to wherever best suits our community!




JavaScript developer and blockchain enthusiast. Developer of @cookietrack_io and technical writer for @snowballdefi & @axialdefi