Snowflake Solutions Center

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building with Snowflake: Snowflake Solutions Center

Explore, Learn and Build Technical Demos and Proof-of-Concepts in Snowflake

Written by Cameron Wasilewsky, Senior Sales Engineer at Snowflake.

In the rapidly evolving world of data and cloud computing, sharing innovative solutions and technical insights is crucial for driving industry progress. Snowflake’s Solutions Center offers a centralized, publicly accessible catalog of builder-focused, industry-oriented solutions that demonstrate how to solve technical problems using Snowflake’s powerful platform. This blog will guide you through publishing your solution on the Solutions Center, ensuring your contributions can inspire and assist other developers and organizations.

Snowflake’s Solution Center landing page

The Essence of the Solution Center

Snowflake’s Solutions Center is a comprehensive repository for technical content and assets designed to help builders and developers tackle industry-specific challenges using Snowflake. It serves as a one-stop-shop for:

  • Detailed solution architectures, implementation guides, and additional documentation
  • Easily searchable content based on product features, workloads, industries, and departments.
  • Hands-on technical resources to get started with Snowflake.

Need a detailed architecture for analyzing unstructured data? Whether it’s medical image analysis, PDF document analysis, or call center recording analysis, the Solution Center has templates and examples to guide you. It’s like having a mentor who’s an expert in many use cases you can think of.

What makes up a solution?

Publishing your solution is straightforward but does require a set of essential components.

Examples of material in the Solution Centre

Bill of Materials (BOM)

  1. Reference Architecture: A clear, detailed diagram reflecting dataflow and Snowflake features used in your solution.
    | Example |
  2. Source Code/Notebook: Accessible code hosted on Snowflake-Labs Git repository.
    | Example |
  3. Quickstart Guide: Step-by-step instructions to help developers get started.
    | Example |
  4. Blog Post: An article explaining how to use Snowflake for a particular data solution.
    | Example |
  5. Tutorial Video (YouTube optional): A comprehensive walkthrough video for app developers, data engineers, and data scientists.
    | Example |
  6. Snowflake & <Your Business> Slides (optional): Slide deck on the story of your business and Snowflake and how the two work well together.
  7. Additional Resources (optional): Do you want to share anything else? We can publish that on the page, too.


Why Should Snowflake Partners Care?

Contributing to the Solutions Center boosts your visibility among developers, industry experts, and potential customers actively seeking innovative solutions. It establishes credibility, opens new business opportunities, and reinforces your commitment to the Snowflake ecosystem. Additionally, Snowflake sales teams can use these resources to address customer problems more effectively, accelerating the sales cycle and enhancing customer satisfaction.

How to Contribute?

Snowflake employees, partners, and community members can contribute to the Solutions Center. Ensure all the required BOMs are publicly available, and work with a Snowflake resource to submit a request and track it internally.

Want to feature your demo in the Solutions Center? Submit your proposal here!

Final Thoughts

By sharing your solutions on Snowflake’s Solutions Center, you contribute to the broader developer community and showcase your expertise and innovative approaches. This platform is designed to help builders, developers, and organizations leverage Snowflake’s capabilities to solve complex technical problems.

Ready to take your data solutions to the next level? Dive into the Snowflake Solutions Center today.

For more details on how to contribute or any questions, reach out to or

