A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing Your App on Snowflake’s Marketplace

A Comprehensive Approach to Showcasing Your Native Applications

Embarking on the exciting journey to become a Snowflake Marketplace provider offers a unique opportunity to showcase your Native Applications to a broader audience. While rewarding, this journey requires meticulous planning and adherence to structured steps and best practices. Here, I’ll share my experience and insights gained as a Snowflake Sales engineer supporting partners navigating this path, providing a blend of technical guidance and strategic considerations.

The main steps are;

  1. Create your account and profile
  2. Setup the Native Application
  3. Create a profile and listing
  4. Monitoring Performance
Visualization of a provider account, a consumer account, and an unclear path to get an application to go from one to another through the marketplace. In the environments are Native Apps (NA) and Snowpark Container Services (SPCS) — Visualisation created by the Author

✨ You can check out a process diagram of the steps here

Setting the Stage: Account and Native Application Setup

Account Setup Initiating your journey begins with creating a Snowflake account, a straightforward process that unlocks Snowflake’s vast capabilities. After account creation, aligning with your legal department to review and accept the Snowflake Provider Terms of Service is crucial. This step, often overlooked, is pivotal in ensuring compliance and understanding your obligations as a provider.

To create your native application follow this blog

Crafting and Refining Your Marketplace Listing

Creating a Compelling Profile Your profile on the Snowflake Marketplace is not just a technical requirement; it’s your brand’s digital storefront. Completing all required fields and submitting your profile for review is just the beginning. It’s crucial to ensure that the support and privacy policy links are accessible and that contact information is set to group emails for broader team accessibility.

Developing and Listing Your Product the creation process is a testament to your commitment to quality and user experience. When creating your listing, choose the type that aligns with your business model: paid, free, or limited trial. Detailing your product with clear, concise information and setting a suitable pricing model is pivotal to your listing’s success.

Decisions During this step;

  1. Who can discover your listing? Anyone, make it public, target audience, make it private.
  2. Pricing method? Paid with trial, limited trial, or free?
  3. Are you going to replicate and share across regions? If so, at what frequency?
Tables depicting the different listings and pricing options — Created by Snowflake

Test and Submit for Approval

Testing and Validation Before going live, rigorously test your listing. You can create a private listing and share it with test accounts or trusted users. If it’s a paid product, consider all aspects of the trial and the whole product experience. Ensure that the listing accurately represents what users will receive and that all functional elements are flawless. Submitting your listing for approval is a significant milestone, marking the readiness of your product to be showcased to potential customers. When an application is submitted, there will be automated testing of the product. You can learn more here.

Managing Performance and Engaging with Customers

Monitoring and Enhancing Performance Once your listing is live, the journey doesn’t end — it evolves. Engaging with the Snowflake Partner Network and utilizing marketing resources can amplify your reach. Regularly monitoring your listing’s performance through Provider Studio or SQL queries on the DATA_SHARING_USAGE schema offers insights into consumer engagement and areas for optimization.

The below query is an example of how you can see consumers who have clicked to get your listing:

SELECT event_date, 
consumer_metadata:first_name::varchar AS consumer_first_name,
consumer_metadata:last_name::varchar AS consumer_last_name,
listing_display_name, consumer_account_locator,
FROM snowflake.data_sharing_usage.listing_events_daily
WHERE event_type = 'GET' ORDER BY event_date DESC;

Customer Engagement It is crucial to manage consumer requests and feedback actively. Whether through direct follow-ups or analyzing usage metrics, understanding your customers’ needs and experiences can provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Embracing Continuous Learning and Improvement

Staying Informed and Responsive The Snowflake ecosystem is dynamic, with frequent updates and enhancements. Staying informed about changes in terms and conditions, marketplace features, and best practices is vital for maintaining compliance and leveraging new growth opportunities.

Seeking Feedback and Innovating Encourage feedback from your users and proactively seek ways to enhance your offering. Continuous improvement is vital to staying relevant and competitive in the marketplace.

Scaling Your Presence on the Marketplace

Expansion and Diversification Once established, consider expanding your product offerings. Diversification can attract a broader audience and cater to varying needs within the marketplace. Analyzing market trends and customer feedback can guide you in developing new or complementary applications.

Collaboration and Partnerships: Engaging with other providers or exploring strategic partnerships can amplify your reach and enhance your offerings. Collaborations can lead to innovative solutions that combine different strengths and expertise, providing more value to customers. You could also explore additional co-marketing opportunities with Snowflake.

Leveraging Advanced Features and Analytics

Advanced Native Application Techniques To enhance your products, utilize advanced Snowflake features like Secure Views, Stored Procedures, and User-Defined Functions. If you have built a native app, explore more advanced integrations such as Cortex, Snowpark Container Services, Snowpark ML, or Hybrid tables. These can provide customers with more flexible, secure, and customized data access, improving the overall value of your offerings.

Deep Dive into Analytics: Utilize the rich analytics provided by Snowflake to gain deeper insights into your product’s performance. Understanding usage patterns, customer engagement, and feedback at a granular level can inform strategic decisions and help you refine your offerings.

Building a Community Around Your Offerings

Engagement and Support: Create a community around your products by engaging with users through forums, webinars, and other interactive platforms. Providing exemplary support and fostering a space for users to share experiences and best practices can enhance customer loyalty and attract new users.

Thought Leadership Establish yourself as a thought leader in your domain by sharing insights, best practices, and innovative use cases related to your offerings. This can enhance your brand’s credibility and attract a more engaged audience to your Snowflake Marketplace listings.

Planning for the Future

Continuous Learning and Adaptation The tech landscape, particularly in data and cloud services, is ever-evolving. Stay abreast of the latest developments in Snowflake and the broader data ecosystem to ensure your offerings remain relevant and competitive.

Strategic Roadmap Develop a strategic roadmap for your Snowflake Marketplace offerings. Consider how market trends, customer feedback, and technological advancements will shape your future offerings. Aligning your roadmap with these factors can ensure sustained market growth and relevance.

Conclusion: Achieving Marketplace Success

Embarking on the journey to become a Snowflake Marketplace provider is a transformative experience that offers unparalleled opportunities to showcase your Native Applications. By meticulously planning and adhering to structured steps and best practices, you can navigate this path successfully and leverage Snowflake’s robust ecosystem to reach a broader audience.

Throughout this guide, I’ve shared insights and technical guidance from my experience as a Snowflake Sales Engineer, supporting partners in their marketplace endeavors. Each step is crucial for achieving success, from setting up your account and products to crafting a compelling marketplace listing and managing customer engagement.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end once your listing is live. Continuous learning, customer feedback, and strategic planning are crucial to maintaining relevance and driving market growth. By embracing these practices, you can build a thriving community around your offerings, establish thought leadership, and scale your presence in the Snowflake Marketplace.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand your existing offerings, staying informed about the latest developments and leveraging Snowflake’s advanced features will ensure your products remain competitive and valuable. Here’s to your success in the Snowflake Marketplace and the exciting opportunities ahead!

Check out these links for additional information:

