All You Need To Know About Snowflake Database Replication & Fail-Over/Failback — Part 3

This blog is a continuation of my below previous part:

All You Need To Know About Snowflake Database Replication & Fail-Over/Failback — Part 2

All You Need To Know About Snowflake Database Replication & Fail-Over/Failback — Part 1

If you missed seeing the previous blog than I would recommend reading that first to understand this blog better.

Please read through the below admin series of blog which might also interest you.

Snowflake Account Replication

How about a quick demo on Database Replication?

We are going to see a demo where I am going to replicate the Primary database to the secondary account. A high level overview is captured in the below diagram.Focus on green arrow from primary database to secondary database. Primary database is on read-write mode while secondary database is on read-only mode.

How about a quick demo on Database Replication Monitoring and Data Validation?

Below demo will cover the replication monitoring for data transfer, usage etc. It will also cover the one of the way how you can validate the data between primary and secondary post database replication.

How about a quick demo on Database Failover/Fail back?

We are going to see a demo where I am going to fail over to the secondary database from the Primary database. A high level overview is captured in the below diagram. Focus on green arrow in reverse order from secondary database to primary database. Now secondary database is on read-write mode while original primary is on read-only mode.

How about a quick demo on Table Clustering & Database Replication behavior ?

Below demo will cover the replication behavior with clustered table in secondary as well as in primary database.

How about a quick demo on Clustered Materialized View & Database Replication behavior ?

Below demo will cover the replication behavior with Clustered Materialized View in secondary as well as in primary database.

You can read Snowflake documentation about more consideration in regard to Database Replication here.

Hope this blog helps you to get insight into the database replication and failover/fail back feature in Snowflake. Feel free to ask a question in the comment section if you have any doubts regarding this. Give a clap if you like the blog. Stay connected to see many more such cool stuff. Thanks for your support.

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