Azure Flow Log Analysis in Snowflake

At Snowflake, we’re a multi-cloud environment. As part of the threat detection team, it’s my job to ensure that we’re monitoring our logs for threats and unusual activity. One of my recent tasks was to investigate our Azure flow logs and build detections for unusual behavior. Information on Azure Network Security Group (NSG) flow logs can be found at this link. When I started exploring this data source, I was frustrated to learn that, unlike the AWS VPC flow logs, there was no field that ties the flow log to the instance ID, or in the case of Azure, the Virtual Machine. The recommended solution from Microsoft was to use the IP address. However, the architecture I was working in had thousands of worker nodes created and destroyed frequently meaning that we would often see duplicate IP addresses within a short period of time due to NATing. If I couldn’t automatically tie the IP to a VM, the logs would be useless as our IR team needed that information in order to conduct automated response in case of a malicious event.

Fortunately, I had SQL to help. To conduct my analysis, I used Snowflake, which is where we (obviously) store our logs. However, any SQL tool should offer the same capabilities below. In order to conduct this analysis, I used a trick taught to me by one of the data scientists at Snowflake. First, for Azure logs, IPs aren’t associated with VMs. They’re associated with NICs and a NIC is associated with a VM. Now, a lot of organizations use various tools and scripts that collect information about current assets periodically. However, considering Snowflake creates and destroys VMs and NICs so rapidly, this isn’t sufficient. We also needed to look at the Azure operation logs in order to establish confidence that we were looking at every NIC. Let’s take a look at some code.

The above sql parses events related to the creation of Network Interfaces in our Azure operation logs. You can review the documentation on the structure of the response body here: Network Interfaces — Create Or Update. This gets us information on NICs from our operation logs.

We also had have scripts running that collect information on existing NICs. This is useful for looking at longer running VMs.

This is slightly different. We wanted to remove duplicate NICs by using group by and also note the first time we saw the NIC and the most recent time we’ve seen the NIC. Let’s apply the same to the NICs collected by the operation logs.

So now we have NICs created by operational logs and NICs identified from our collection scripts. Let’s combine them together using union.

Now, the issue comes up where we want to know the window of time that a NIC had a particular IP address. We can do this using the lead and lag functions to get the start and end window times for a NIC’s association with an IP address. In this case, we can use true_earliest as the window start. To find the window_end, we’ll use lead

Putting all the code together we have

And now we have NICs and the IPs associated with them and the window of time when that IP was associated with that NIC.

Our next step is to join this on VM data. That’s fairly easy.

For our Azure VMs, we did a similar exercise of joining data from Collect script and Operational logs. We’ll call this view AZURE_VMS_V. We'll call our Azure NICs view AZURE_NICS_V.

A few notes — I used lower since there were some instances where the ID had varying cases and other instances where it didn’t. I’m attributing this to inconsistencies with the APIs between collection scripts vs operational logs. You may also note that I used 0 instead of lateral flatten for accessing the network interfaces of the VMs. In our environment, we do not have VMs where there are multiple NICs. If you do, you can use lateral flatten again.

The final step is to join our flow logs on our NICs. In this way we’ll have joined Flow Log <> NIC <> VM. Fortunately, most of the hard work is done.

For joining the flow logs on the NIC, we want to ensure that the Flow Log event time occurred after the window start for the NIC and before the end time of the NIC. If the NIC still exists, the window_end would be NULL.

If you seek higher fidelity, you can also look at including tenant ID and subscription ID into your joins.

The obvious question is “how accurate is this?”

Let’s check. I’ll call our above logic AZURE_FLOW_LOGS_JOIN_VMS_V. We'll look for null VM IDs (where we couldn't join on a VM) and the flow was recorded in the past day. ( flow_recorded_at is a column we add during ingestion that records the time the flow was ingested into Snowflake.)

and something similar for not null showed me that 99.75% of flow logs could be matched to their VM.

This was a lot of work for something that AWS offers natively. I hope that as Azure matures their product that they’ll also offer similar levels of visibility.

You may be wondering why I used IPs instead of MAC addresses. When inspecting our logs, a vast number of NICs has IPs but no MAC addresses. I do not have a clear reason from Microsoft why that is at the time of this publication.

I hope this work helps those working in security and Azure clouds. If you have other ideas or ways to improve the success rate, please let me know!

Originally published at

