Creating a Keypair for Snowflake

Keypair authentication is useful for services to connect directly to Snowflake. It’s a better choice over password authentication because credentials can be rotated without downtime. Each user in Snowflake can have 2 public keys associated at any time.

To create a keypair, you can use openssl. This guide will use a web based version of openssl which was compiled to webassembly, but you can run the same commands directly using openssl.

Step 1: Go to and click on “Generate Keys”.

Step 2: Choose Key type: RSA

Step 3: In the “Generate private key” section, choose 2048-bit Key length, output to file

This will automatically generate the first command that is needed to be run to generate the keypair which generates the private key.

openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048

Step 4: Click Run

Step 5: In the “Derive public key” section, choose Output to file and the Public key output format: PEM format to generate the public key.

openssl rsa -pubout -in /privkey.pem -outform PEM -out pubkey.pem

Step 6: Click Run

Step 7: Go to the Files section and Download the privkey.pem and the pubkey.pem files.

Open the pubkey.pem in your favorite text editor, the file will look like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

To set this keypair on a user in Snowflake you would run the following SQL in Snowsight. You have to remove the first and last lines as well as line breaks.

ALTER USER <USERNAME> SET RSA_PUBLIC_KEY='MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2lN+3ajOnQSiwTP82c12u1da2sTyOzAqLLVlAcnpSvrWKD21lYX+3DFlCOvOoNz8byzCmXgM+p5Sygtus02yko3ANe/IvPWPWxjs/p+BOo7enpBxKn5qAgf0D8g9Lvnzrv/QYZpvW70EzlOWyYUC4C+9MECa6xkC8/OdmtPhq5gb37D18ewJm+BZr8txffjpmoPoVi+hmQMBb8YsLz6LYJSeeAoxjyfu/pEmd9tnIgGzPpx+uf6bI/fA9AR89xXxZn6+2QqH0FIGbDTd19XAZ+8zaJGAMNjnq4+RBtH57Fxx8P7x/LJhuIcpvXHce5z3w11ENKzizOEVbXU5Qs0PwwIDAQAB';

To test the keypair, you can use SnowSql.

Start snowsql with the private_key_path set to the privkey.pem downloaded along with your accountname, username. After successful connection you’ve validated your keypair is working as intended. Now keep your private key secure and make a plan for your rotation schedule.



Brad Culberson
Snowflake Builders Blog: Data Engineers, App Developers, AI/ML, & Data Science

Data Platform Architect at Snowflake specializing in Data Applications. Designed & built many data applications in Marketing and Health & Fitness.