Easier Monitoring with the Alert Hub Framework

Here at snowflake we know that keeping track of certain data events and consistently being notified about them is a challenge, so we developed the Alert Hub framework to help you out a bit!

The Alert Hub is a rule-based meta-data driven framework for alerts and notifications. It enhances Snowflake’s native alerting capabilities by adding a rich GUI and support for Jinja templating. The framework can be tailored through custom condition/action queries or applying query templates that monitor the account objects or any type of events within the account and send out multi-channel notifications.

Download and Install

First off, lets download the code, head on over to the github!

Once you have to code, you can install the Alert Hub by running the code in alert_hub_setup.sql (either in SnowSQL or a worksheet) and creating a SiS app from the alert_hub_streamlit.py file! (This can also either be done in snowsight or SnowSQL based on your preference.)

Now you’re all setup!

Main Page

Your first Alert

Now that its installed here’s an overview on how to create your first alert!

Step 1 — Make a condition

  • Navigate to the “Conditions” page
  • Create a New Condition Template and save it
  • Create a Condition for your template
  • Check the generated preview and confirm its accuracy!

(examples available in demo.sql and demo.md)

Make a Template
Setup your Condition

Step 2 — Notification Integration

In order to send out an email on alert, we need an email integration

  • Navigate to Notification Integrations
  • Choose an Integration type (Email or Queue)
  • Enter JSON and save integration!

(example integrations available in demo.sql and demo.md)

An email Notification Integration

Step 3 — Create an Action

Next we need an action for the alert to perform! Navigate to the Ac

  • Navigate to Actions
  • Specify an Action
  • Set the parameters for your action template
  • Check the generated preview and save!
    (example actions available in demo.sql and demo.md)

Step 4 — Schedule your alert!

You’re all set! All you need to do now is schedule your alert on the alert page!

  • Navigate to Alerts
  • Select warehouse, Schedule, Condition, and Action
  • Save the Alert!!


Rinse and repeat! The framework is setup and all of your Alerting worries are a thing of the past!

