Transforming AI potential into practical enterprise solutions.

Genesis Computing: Revolutionizing Enterprise AI with Genbots

Empowering businesses with autonomous AI co-workers powered by the Genesis Agent Operating System seamlessly integrated as Snowflake native apps

Written by Matt Glickman & Justin Langseth, Genesis Computing Co-Founders, and Cameron Wasilewsky, Senior Sales Engineer at Snowflake

Running generative AI to support data analytics and preparation is a challenging feat. The complexities involved often deter enterprises from fully leveraging AI’s potential. However, Genesis Computing simplifies this process by offering gen AI capabilities as a Snowflake Native App that you can effortlessly install and run within your Snowflake environment. This blog outlines our journey to achieving this breakthrough, explains the technical workings of our solution, and demonstrates how our innovation seamlessly integrates with and enhances your existing Snowflake infrastructure.

We are Matt Glickman and Justin Langseth, early Snowflakes and the founders of Genesis Computing. We are committed to leveraging the extraordinary promise of gen AI to move the industry from flashy demos to robust, production-ready AI solutions. Enterprises often underestimate the complexities of implementing these technologies, but we see the untapped potential and are determined to bridge that gap. We’ve developed Genesis BotOS, the AI agent operating system designed to securely run production enterprise-gen AI workloads within Snowflake as a Snowflake Native App. Genesis Bots, such as Marty, the Marketing Campaign Manager, and Janice, the Snowflake Janitor, are fully autonomous agents ready to work alongside their human counterparts. Eve, the mother of all Genbots, creates and administers the rest of the Genbots, streamlining processes and boosting productivity.

Our Journey So Far

After pushing the limits in Snowflake’s annual Snowvation hackathons with Snowpark Container Services, Streamlit, and LLMs, and seeing enterprises’ struggles to deploy less ambitious AI projects first-hand, we realized there was an opportunity to showcase what was becoming possible on the platform and do so in a Snowflake differentiated way. Instead of waiting around for someone to build the killer AI-powered app on Snowflake, we decided to lean in and launch Genesis Computing with a clear mission:

“Combine Snowflake’s secure data environment with the exponentially improving, state-of-the-art GenAI models to create an agent operating system to deploy Genbots, autonomous knowledge workers deployed as native apps through Snowflake Marketplace“

In just five weeks since incorporation, we launched with the first Genbots — Eliza, the Data Analyst; Stuart, the Data Steward; and Eve, the Genbot creator. These Genbots are now live in customers’ hands,

What we’re doing is enabling autonomous AI workers to activate business workflows with data. At the Snowflake Summit in June, we demonstrated how Marty, our Marketing Campaign Manager, autonomously triggers and manages campaigns based on customer segmentation data in Snowflake. This advertising use case highlights the transformative potential of our Genbots in driving business objectives.

As remarkable as Marty is at demonstrating business workflow automation, the Genbot who is turning out to be the easiest to put to work is Janice, the Snowflake Janitor. Janice’s role is to

help clean up and manage your Snowflake environment. From detecting unused tables to detecting stale data feeds or highlighting misconfigured security policies, Janice will do all the janitorial work that Snowflake admins wish they had time to implement — and do so in a hands-off, autonomous way.

Genesis Bots Architecture & Security

Genesis Bots operates as a Snowflake Native App, leveraging the advanced capabilities of Snowpark Container Services (SPCS). This innovative architecture ensures that our Genbots run directly within a customer’s Snowflake account, maintaining the highest security and privacy without exfiltrating customer data, bot metadata, or communications between users and Genbots.

The core of our solution is the Genesis Agent Operating System, BotOS, which seamlessly connects a pluggable large language model (LLM) brain, currently powered by a customer choice of OpenAI or Snowflake Cortex (Amazon Bedrock coming soon) hosted model to an extendable set of input/output channels (think Slack, Teams, email, etc.) and then orchestrates

system calls or tool functions to perform actions on the Genbots’ behalf. BotOS manages the entire orchestration process, acting similarly to an operating system’s I/O and system calls, which allows for efficient and secure AI tool-calling. This architecture is further enhanced by background processes for semantic data extraction, autonomous task scheduling, and continuous, secure learning; all managed as long-running SPCS containers.

Unique Competitive Advantage

Our unique competitive advantage is how Genbots are securely deployed into an enterprise’s data platform, leveraging the communication systems they already use while taking advantage of state-of-the-art LLMs. Our architecture ensures that Genbots become experienced assets, producing scalable business process outcomes as they learn and improve within each enterprise.

Key Features:

BotOS Agent Operating System:

  • This system connects various I/O channels (Slack, Teams, email) to a pluggable LLM brain, orchestrating AI’s tool-calling similar to an operating system’s system calls.

Advanced-Data Security:

  • Genbots and BotOS run within a customer’s Snowflake account, helping to protect data privacy.

Enhancement Processes:

  • Includes semantic data extraction, task scheduling, and continuous learning as background processes.

Integrated Technologies:

By integrating these technologies, Genesis Bots can autonomously activate business workflows, adapt to specific enterprise needs, and deliver unparalleled efficiency and productivity within the Snowflake environment.

Use Cases

With this architecture, we can support critical use cases such as:

Workload Efficiency:

Genbots incorporate an enterprise’s goals and objectives & can work together alongside as a co-worker to increase efficiency and productivity. (Janice & Eliza can be seen working together below with their human co-worker Kevin)

Genbot shares the same tasks and objectives with the human

Automated Marketing Campaigns:

Marty, the Marketing Campaign Manager, can autonomously activate and manage campaigns based on customer segmentation data in Snowflake.

Full Snowflake Summit 2024 video

AI-driven data engineering:

Eliza, the Data Analyst, can discover data insights, streamline data processing tasks, and even help with efficient data pipeline management.

Eliza The Data Analyst Full Video

Seamless Integration and Immediate Deployment

One of Genesis Bots’ most significant advantages is how easy it is for any Snowflake user to get started. Users can install Genesis Bots directly into their Snowflake environment by visiting the Snowflake Marketplace and making just a few clicks. This seamless integration ensures that you can immediately begin leveraging the power of GenAI for your data analytics and preparation tasks. Detailed documentation is available here to guide you through the setup and usage process, making testing and deploying Genesis Bots in your organization simple.

Building on Snowflake

Leveraging the Snowflake Native App Framework has been instrumental to our success. When we decided to launch Genesis, our goal was ambitious yet irresistible: to have our first product live at Snowflake’s annual summit. We incorporated on April 8, signed the Snowflake Summit booth sponsorship agreement, and deployed Genesis Bots live on Snowflake Marketplace within seven weeks.

The Snowflake Native App Framework has revolutionized our growth and development strategy. The ability to deploy where the data resides, combined with simplified sales cycles and global go-to-market exposure, has made Snowflake the perfect platform for our innovative solutions. The framework’s capital efficiency and the flywheel effect that Snowflake’s sales teams have already generated have been pivotal in our rapid customer acquisition.

The Powered by Snowflake Funding Program has also been invaluable to our journey. Frequent engagement with Snowflake’s technical experts and access to their resources have greatly expedited our development and go-to-market strategies. This partnership has helped us tackle challenges and facilitated connections with potential design partners and customers through direct introductions, collaborative sales, and joint marketing initiatives.

Our advice for other tech entrepreneurs considering building their applications on Snowflake is simple: go all in! The Snowflake platform’s ability to transform complex applications into seamless, deployable solutions is unparalleled. With Genesis Bots, we’ve demonstrated that the future of AI in the enterprise is not just a possibility but a reality ready to be harnessed today.

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Forward

One of the most challenging technical issues we faced was ensuring that Snowflake Native Apps with SPCS were instantly installable and upgradable. Collaborating closely with Snowflake’s Native Apps and SPCS teams, we achieved this cutting-edge functionality, setting a new standard for how Snowflake Native Apps operate within the enterprise environment.

Our vision for the future is to enable Genbots to learn and adapt to specific business processes within each enterprise and allow customers and partners to create and extend their own Genbots for their use cases leveraging their unique expertise. This capability will allow enterprises to leverage AI to produce scalable business outcomes. As AI continues to evolve, Genesis Computing is poised to lead the way, driving innovation and productivity in the AI economy.

For more information, visit our website or check out our YouTube channel.

