Hightouch: The Reverse ETL and Data Activation Solution, Powered by Snowflake

Learn how enterprises are using Hightouch, a Powered by Snowflake partner, to activate their data across their sales, marketing, and other key business platforms

By Mary MacCarthy

Hightouch and Snowflake are motivated by a shared goal: empowering companies to take full advantage of all their data, driving the maximum number of insights and resulting in measurable business outcomes.

Sounds straightforward, right? After all, fully leveraging their data has been one of the main goals of ambitious companies for many years.

Most of us know, however, that the reality is far from that ideal vision.

Data comes from disparate sources, in disparate formats. In many companies, data still remains siloed in myriad databases and legacy systems.

Fortunately, Snowflake and Hightouch offer a powerful solution, working together to empower organizations to truly make the most of all of their data — harnessing it for deep analytical insights into their business, and also putting enriched data back to work in the tools where business teams live.

Let’s dive into how the Hightouch and Snowflake synergy happens.

Hightouch Powered By Snowflake: A Perfect Pairing

Snowflake has made it easy and affordable for companies to take data from varying sources across the business, consolidating it into a centralized platform and creating the single source of truth that’s necessary for standardized, enterprise-wide insights.

Snowflake is known not only for its speed, but also for its uncomplicated and flexible UI — which is easy enough for data analysts to set up and write their own SQL.

Analytics engineers and analysts build complex, robust models in Snowflake, joining data from all their sources and systems. Those models can be used by BI, data science, and machine learning tools and systems, to be studied for powerful insights into the business, usually presented in reports and dashboards.

But Hightouch offers an additional, more immediate way of using that enriched data.

With Hightouch, Snowflake users don’t have to wait for dashboards and reports to start getting value from their data. They can put those models to use immediately, by syncing the enriched data back into the tools their business teams use. This is what Hightouch calls “data activation”: leveraging data right away, leading to real-time impacts in the native tools of end-users.

Hightouch’s data activation basically adds a powerful function to what companies can do with their data — enabling businesses to turn insights into action, automatically and in real-time. This could be as simple as triggering an email to be sent by their marketing software, right after their CRM shows that the customer signed in. Or, it could mean sending product usage data to their CRM, providing real-time insights to their sales and marketing teams.

Do business teams still need reports, dashboards and visualizations — all the insights brought about by analytics? The answer for any business is: yes! But they can get the most benefit from their data by also getting it to do things, using Hightouch’s data activation.

Hightouch makes the Snowflake Data Cloud immediately accessible to biz teams

Thanks to Hightouch and Snowflake, sales, marketing, customer success, and finance teams can now access accurate, relevant, real-time data.

Gone is the era of waiting days or weeks or even months for data engineers to build pipelines from Snowflake back into CRMs, marketing platforms, customer success apps, and similar tools.

Also gone are the days of having to fix those pipelines in reaction to finicky APIs at the destination site. Hightouch syncs take care of the pipelining and the maintenance, leaving a company’s data and business teams to focus on what they do best: building useful models, and using insights from the data to improve their marketing, sales, and other operations.

With Hightouch, models built in Snowflake become accessible even to sales and marketing professionals who have little-to-no technical knowledge. The Hightouch UI is designed for employees of varying technical level, with a point-and-click workflow that requires no knowledge of SQL.

Hightouch provides built-in integrations with over 100 popular destinations, including CRMs like Hubspot and Salesforce, marketing tools like Braze and Marketo, finance tools like Netsuite, and many more. Alternatively, customers can build custom integrations to sync their Snowflake data to other apps and tools of their choice.


Customers using Hightouch Powered by Snowflake report powerful business impacts. Here are just a few examples…

Imperfect Foods

The online grocer Imperfect Foods chose Snowflake as their centralized data platform for its ease of use. They use Hightouch to activate the models they’ve built in Snowflake, syncing the models across their marketing and ad platforms. They report a dramatic improvement in their numbers: customer reactivations rose by 53%, and CAC decreased by 15%.

Compare Club

Compare Club is a comparison services company that helps people make smarter financial decisions. They say they chose Snowflake not only for its speed, but also for its ability to spin up individual ad hoc warehouses. The combination of Snowflake and Hightouch has proven particularly powerful for Compare Club: using Hightouch has lowered their cost-per-enquiry by nearly 10% for specific customer segments, and reduced engineering time for sending data to ad networks from weeks to minutes.


For the devops platform CircleCI, scaling issues caused by their rapid growth led them to seek Snowflake as the ideal solution. Then, they started using Hightouch to sync product usage data and key financial data, from Snowflake to Salesforce. The result: easy identification of product-qualified leads, and immediate analysis of contract utilization. CircleCI also uses Hightouch to operationalize its machine learning models, syncing them from Snowflake directly to Gainsight — where they’re used to predict and reduce customer churn.


A recent Harvard Business Review article titled Why Becoming a Data-Driven Organization is So Hard suggests that only about a quarter of organizations can claim to be truly “data-driven.” In many ways, that’s not a surprise. Between exponential growth in the quantity of data and of data sources, and ever-evolving business practices and technologies, many organizations find themselves in a constant game of “catch-up” when it comes to their data infrastructure, operations, and insights.

Working together, Snowflake and Hightouch can quickly put businesses on an easy-to navigate path towards making full use of their data — first bringing the data into a centralized, single-source-of-truth platform, then making the data easily accessible to business teams that can act on data insights on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour, and even minute-by-minute basis.

Mary MacCarthy is a Data Advocate at Hightouch

