Python Connector for Snowflake v 3.5.0

Nov 13th, 2023 was a big day.. But you probably didn’t hear the news. So I’m here to make sure you know what’s up. Snowflake released a huge upgrade to the Snowflake Connector for Python. It definitely deserved a major version increase… but I’m not in charge of that.

Version 3.5.0 of the connector adds GA support for nanoarrow and removes many old/large dependencies. Snowflake connectors use Apache Arrow to return results from Snowflake quickly and efficiently. This update reduces the number of packages needed in the runtime and allows for smaller AND faster deploys.

I updated a quickstart and got a baseline for a lambda layer pulling in all the dependencies needed using version 3.4.1. That layer was 36mb. After upgrading to 3.5.0, the layer decreased to 13mb for a savings of 23mb! Check out the pull request if you want to test for yourself.

If you are using the Snowflake Connector for Python, I suggest you run to grab the update. It’ll make your life better.



Brad Culberson
Snowflake Builders Blog: Data Engineers, App Developers, AI/ML, & Data Science

Data Platform Architect at Snowflake specializing in Data Applications. Designed & built many data applications in Marketing and Health & Fitness.